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更新时间:2025-03-10 22:43:19

英 [əˈkri:ʃn]

美 [əˈkriʃən]




形容词: accretionary

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1. (law) an increase in a beneficiary's share in an estate (as when a co-beneficiary dies or fails to meet some condition or rejects the inheritance)

2. an increase by natural growth or addition

Synonym: accumulation

3. (geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment

4. (biology) growth by addition as by the adhesion of parts or particles

5. (astronomy) the formation of a celestial object by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases

6. something contributing to growth or increase

e.g. he scraped away the accretions of paint
the central city surrounded by recent accretions

1. 增加物;添加物
An accretion is an addition to something, usually one that has been added over a period of time.

e.g. The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.

2. 添加;累积
Accretion is the process of new layers or parts being added to something so that it increases in size.

e.g. A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.

1. 增殖:appreciation 增值 一项资产由于市价上升而超过其账面 价值; 或指一项固定资产的估价超过其账 面价值.与增殖(accretion)的词义相对照. appropriated retained earnings 已拨定留 存收益,已指定用途留存收益 指公司董事会已将一部分留存收益指 定用于某一特定用途.例如,

2. 增长:骨的增长(accretion)及骨灰中磷的含量,在相同体重不同磷摄食量下,无显着的差异存在;而在不同体重下,有显着的不同. 体重35kg骨的增长及骨灰中磷的含量分别为4.0g/日及2.7mg/g;而65kg者分别为6.1g/日及2.2mg/g(如表6).

3. accretion的近义词

3. 吸积:在黑洞的引力范围内,一切物质,包括辐射及其所携带的能量,都将被它吸积(accretion)进去. 即使是恒星所散逸出去的辐射以及2.7K宇宙微波本底辐射或其他任何废热,都能够被黑洞所吸积. 这就会造成宇宙中某些区域高度的质能集中.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Because the accretion disk itself is believed to be magnetized, the rotation of the disk can twist the magnetic field lines into a helix.(为我们相信吸积盘本身是被磁化的,圆盘的旋转可将磁力线扭曲成螺旋线圈状。)
A supernova from a merger of two white dwarfs, on the other hand, would create significantly less X-ray emission than the accretion scenario.(相反,来自双白矮星并合的超新星产生的X射线辐射要比吸积少很多。)
Most black hole mass seems to come from direct consumption (called accretion) of gas, indicating that a black hole needs a surrounding galaxy to grow.(大多数黑洞聚集物看起来是直接从气体(叫做冲击层)的消耗中间来的,这表明一个黑洞的成长需要周围有一个星系。)
In one - the 'accretion' model - small clumps of dust build up over millions of years to form a planet's solid core, which then pulls gases towards it.(一个被称作‘连生’模型,指尘埃碎块经过数百万年的时间聚集形成了一颗行星的固体核心,之后它将周围的气体俘获据为己有。)
The scientists found the observed X-ray emission was a factor of 30 to 50 times smaller than expected from the accretion scenario, effectively ruling it out.(科学家发现,观测到的X射线辐射要比吸积模型预言的少上30到50倍,这有效地将该模型排除了。)
The selective accretion theory chalks it up to high gas density in the early solar system, during the planet's formation.(选择性附加理论写出它的高气体密度在早期太阳系,在行星的形成。)
This has important significance for studying the Mesozoic crust-mantle mixing and the crustal accretion there.(这对研究西秦岭中生代壳幔混合作用和地壳增生有重要意义。)
The evidence was in the steady accretion of Gmail features like instant messaging, audio - and then video - chat, and so on.(这一点可以从不断增多的Gmail功能上得到印证,如Gmail增加了即时通讯、音频聊天以及后来的视频聊天等等。)
In a one-star system like our solar system, the leading theory as to how the planets formed is through a process called accretion.(在单星系如我们的太阳系中,普遍认定行星是通过吸积的过程逐渐形成的。)
The implication is that the gases in the mantle came not from the sun but from the early accretion of rocky material.(这意味着地幔中的气体不是来自太阳,而是来自岩石物质的早期积累。)
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