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更新时间:2025-03-03 09:43:59



英 [ˈkɔ:nwɔ:l]

美 [ˈkɔrnˌwɔl]


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1. 英格兰郡名:cornuted /有角的/角状的/带绿帽的/ | cornwall /英格兰郡名/ | corny /谷类的/带乡下味的/粗野的/有鸡眼的/

He was accidentally caught by the fishing boat Brittania around 200 miles south west of Newlyn, Cornwall.(这只“巨无霸”是在距离康沃尔半岛西南面200海里处被渔民偶然发现的。)
The couple moved down to Cornwall, where their daughter Vahine was born in November 1934.(这对夫妇搬到了康沃尔,1934年11月,他们的女儿瓦希尼出生在那里。)
Schjerfbeck studied in Paris, went on to Pont-Aven, Brittany, where she painted for a year, then to Tuscany, Cornwall and St Petersburg.(谢夫贝克在法国巴黎学习过,又去了布列塔尼的阿旺桥,在那里她花了一年的时间进行油画创作,接着又去了托斯卡、康沃尔与圣彼得堡。)
GIVEN its reputation for surfing and the slow life, Cornwall has a surprisingly solid technological pedigree.(鉴于其为冲浪,慢生活的声誉,康沃尔有着惊人的坚实的技术血统。)
But other landmark places proposed by ecologists were chosen, including the Needles off the Isle of Wight and the Manacles rocks off Cornwall.(但其他一些被生态学家提名的地标类地点却得到允许,包括怀特岛周围的白垩和康沃尔的岩石群。)
Mr and Mrs Jones, who live near Truro in Cornwall, admit their diet and lifestyle led to their weight gain.(琼斯夫妇住在康瓦耳郡的特鲁罗,他们承认自己的饮食结构和生活方式是肥胖症的病因。)
Thirty other schools in Cornwall are hoping to install their own turbines.(康沃尔郡其他30所类似的学校也希望在校园里安装风力发电机。)
The amazing pictures were taken recently at Porthcurno beach, Cornwall, Britain where the basking shark was cruising just yards off shore.(这些照片近日拍摄于英国康沃尔郡波斯科诺海滩,这条姥鲨慢慢地逼近正在海滨玩耍的人们。)
The pasty's unlikely conquest of Britain has been spearheaded by the West Cornwall Pasty Company, founded in 1998 by struggling bakers.(这种馅饼不同寻常的受到英国人的欢迎,它是通过烘烤师们间激烈的竞争,由一家1998年成立的名叫西康沃尔馅饼公司生产而名声大噪的。)
The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.(渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。)
Cornwall是什么意思 Cornwall在线翻译 Cornwall什么意思 Cornwall的意思 Cornwall的翻译 Cornwall的解释 Cornwall的发音 Cornwall的同义词