I am a zoologist and the naked ape is an animal.(我是动物学家,裸猿又是一种动物。)
To a zoologist, they are strikingly different.(不过对于一个动物学家来说,他们是非常不同的。)
The zoologist had spent a long time living with monkeys.(这位动物学家与猴子一起生活了很长时间。)
In a latest reanalysis of Gavan's data, nevertheless, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates.(然而,动物学家伊丽莎白·沃茨在对加万的数据进行的最新再分析中发现,随着黑猩猩达到性成熟,它们四肢的生长速度会加快。)
He is a zoologist.(他是一个动物学家。)
In the case of humans, one might think that it is hardly necessary to get the professional opinion of a zoologist on the matter.(至于就人类而言,也许会有人认为来自动物学家的专业意见是无足轻重的。)
Martin Stevens, a zoologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, says that Current Zoology is now finding a niche.(马丁·史蒂文斯(MartinStevens)是英国剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)的一名动物学家,他说《当代动物学》现在正在寻找一个合适的位置。)
Another zoologist who is using robots to understand the behaviour of real animals is Daniel Germann, of the University of Zurich.(DanielGermann是另一位利用机器人来了解真实动物行为的动物学家,他来自苏黎世大学。)
Meet a zoologist Jason Badridze who grew up several generations of Wolf cubs and taught them to escape hunters and people in general.(让我们见见这位动物学家,JasonBadridze,他曾经养育了数代小狼崽,并教会它们如何躲避猎人和一般民众。)
Local people thought the zoologist was an evil person and the jury decided he was guilty.(当地人认为动物学家是个邪恶的人,陪审团也裁定他有罪。)
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