1. prompt willingness
e.g. readiness to continue discussions
they showed no eagerness to spread the gospel
they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority
he tried to explain his forwardness in battle
Synonym: readinesseagernessforwardness
2. excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end
e.g. he had an absolute zeal for litigation
3. a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
e.g. they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor
he felt a kind of religious zeal
Synonym: ardorardourelan
1. 热情;激情;热忱
Zeal is great enthusiasm, especially in connection with work, religion, or politics.
e.g. ...his zeal for teaching...
e.g. Mr Lopez approached his task with a religious zeal.
1. 热诚:Dol(14)+ Ort(9)+ Eld(2)+ Lem(20) +25%攻击速度 +160-210%增强伤害(可变) 50-80% 增加攻击准确率 +75%增强对不死系怪物伤害 +50攻击准确率对不死系怪物 +1-50 闪电伤害 +1 狂战士(Berserk) +1 热诚(Zeal) 击中使目标目盲+
2. 白热:大侠们好,请问一个TESLADIN的伤害力能到多少?我的90级TESLADIN(一个以白热(ZEAL)+圣电(HOLY SHOCK)为主的游侠)现在有856-5320的伤害力,但我听说有些TESLADIN能够伤害过万.
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I the Lord haue spoken it in my zeale, when I haue accomplished my fury.
出自:Bible (AV): Ezekiel