with reference to

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with reference to

英 [wið ˈrefrəns tu:]

美 [wɪð ˈrɛfərəns tu]

with reference to基本解释

关于; 根据


  • 网络解释

1. 关于,有关:ward off 防止,避开 | with reference to 关于,有关 | work out 想出,制订出

2. with reference to在线翻译

2. 关于:Take account of 考虑,注意 | With reference to 关于 | Ordinary skill 普通技术


3. 关于,就......而论:refer to...as 把...称作,把...当作 | with reference to 关于,就...而论 | regard as 把...看作,认为,对待

4. 谨提及:implementation of a computer program,application or system;安装计算机程... | with reference to...;谨提及...;; | request for the inclusion of an additional item in the agenda of ......session;请求在第 届...

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
With reference to our Order No. 315, we are compelled to express our strong complaints for the inferior quality.(亲爱的先生们:关于我方第315号订单,由于到货质量低劣,我主被迫表达强烈的不满。)
Users can report errors to the OmegaT + project with reference to their log file. OmegaT +.(用户可参照其日志文件向OmegaT+项目举报错误。)
Mr Gursky's status as the world's most expensive photographer is often justified with reference to painting.(古尔斯基作为世上最昂贵的摄影师的地位也常被他的绘画所证实。)
The view is propounded especially in relation to grammar and vocabulary, and frequently with reference to pronunciation.(这一观点尤其是根据语法和词汇方面提出的,也频繁地涉及到发音问题。)
With reference to your letter of yesterday, we cannot accept the offer.(关于你昨天的来信,我们无法接受提议。)
This includes files with reference to the current directory, as shown in Listing 3.(这将包含当前目录中的文件,如清单3所示。)
Pay raise and promotion can be decided with reference to the rewards record.(员工奖励记录可作为加薪、晋升的依据。)
Well, the best way to begin to understand postmodernism is with reference to what went before: modernism.(理解后现代主义的最佳方法就是参考在这以前的流行派别:现代主义。)
China establishes a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply with reference to a basket of currencies.(中国实施的是以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。)
Update the service endpoint to change it from a wsHttpBinding to a customBinding with reference to the new custom binding (such as custom11).(用新的定制绑定(比如custom11)的引用更新服务端点,把它由wsHttpBinding改为customBinding。)
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with reference to是什么意思 with reference to在线翻译 with reference to什么意思 with reference to的意思 with reference to的翻译 with reference to的解释 with reference to的发音 with reference to的同义词

英语单词,为您提供英语单词的基本解释、英语单词发音、英语例句、同义词、反义词、相关词组,免费在线背单词、英语单词、英文单词、单词回想、词义回想、单词听写、单词测试、单词背诵、在线生词本。 该单词大全《英语单词》来源于好工具,网址:https://danci.hao86.com/with reference to/
