Therefore, it is no longer necessary to recognize the wiggle for accurate gesture detection.(因此,要准确地检测手势,不再需要识别波动。)
MEPs insisted on a package without wiggle room.(议员们坚持没有回旋余地的一揽子计划。)
Who could forget veteran Cameroon striker Milla setting the 1990 World Cup alight with his brilliant wiggle?(谁会忘记老道的喀麦隆前锋米拉用他那灵活的摆动点亮1990年世界杯之灯?)
Players also get nifty tools with names like "shake", "wiggle" or "rubber band".(玩家还可以获得俏皮的工具如“摇动”、“摆动”、“橡皮筋”。)
Clap to the music and do a little wiggle - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!(合着音乐拍手,并且做小小的摆动——1,2,3,4,5!)
You can wiggle it as much as you want to.(你们可以任意,摆动它。)
Sing along and wiggle your head(一起唱歌,并且摇摆你的头)
Even C. elegans worms that wiggle slowly die sooner than worms of the same age that wiggle more quickly.(即便是同期蠕虫,爬得慢的比爬得快的早死。)
Dance to the music and do a little wiggle - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!(合着音乐跳舞,并且做小小的摆动——1,2,3,4,5!)
Though they left themselves wiggle room, the change of tone was clear.(尽管他们给自己留有周旋的余地,但他们的口风却很清楚地改变了。)
wiggle是什么意思 wiggle在线翻译 wiggle什么意思 wiggle的意思 wiggle的翻译 wiggle的解释 wiggle的发音 wiggle的同义词