英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:39:38



英 [ˈvɜ:tɪbrət]

美 [ˈvɜ:rtbrət]



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1. animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium

Synonym: craniate



1. having a backbone or spinal column

e.g. fishes and amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals are verbetrate animals

1. 脊椎动物
A vertebrate is a creature which has a spine. Mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish are vertebrates.

e.g. Both groups share two attributes normally associated with vertebrates.
e.g. ...the ears of vertebrates.

1. 脊椎动物:寄生虫所包括的生物种类繁多,一般都为原生生物(Protista)、无脊椎动物(invertebrate)、脊椎动物(vertebrate). 分类以生物种类分类广义上来说,细菌和病毒也是寄生虫. 原生生物:此类寄生生物也很广泛,

2. vertebrate的近义词

2. 椎动物:2、生物学家根据动物体内有无脊柱,将动物分为脊椎动物(vertebrate)和无脊椎动物(invertebrate)两个主要类群. 脊椎动物又分为鱼类(fishes)、两栖类(amphibians)、爬行类(reptiles)、鸟类(birds)和哺乳类(mammals

3. vertebrate在线翻译

3. 脊椎动物 有椎骨的, 有脊椎的, 脊椎动物:get round 避免, 说服, 走动, 传开来 | vertebrate 脊椎动物 有椎骨的, 有脊椎的, 脊椎动物 | acid hydrolysis 酸解 加酸水解

Cold - blood vertebrate has formatted multi - cold adaptation artifice in the various habitation environment.(冷血脊椎动物在多种多样栖息环境中形成多种耐寒策略。)
They determined that after the gene arose, more than 300 million years ago, it barely changed in most branches of vertebrate evolution to the present day.(他们认定,FOXP2基因产生于三亿年前,此后直到今天,绝大多数脊椎动物身上的这个基因几乎没有改变过。)
Such a close co-existence with a photosynthetic organism has previously been found in invertebrates, such as corals, but never in a vertebrate.(这种和光合作用微生物的亲密共存现象曾被发现存在于无脊椎动物中,比如说珊瑚,但是从未在脊椎动物中发现过。)
This is the first time in a vertebrate animal that you can show such a clear connection between an animal's behavior and the changes at the molecular level.(这是脊椎动物首次清楚地显示出动物行为和分子层级变化之间的关系。)
But as far as the researchers can tell, horned frog tadpoles are the first underwater larvae, and first larvae of any vertebrate, to make sounds.(但是在研究者能够说出的范围内,角蛙蝌蚪是第一种能够发出声音的水下幼仔,同时也是第一种能够这样做的脊椎动物幼仔。)
Because these cells are among the largest in the vertebrate brain, they were the first neurons to be identified.(由于这些细胞是脊椎动物大脑中最大的细胞,它们是最早被识别出来的神经元。)
The abundance of vertebrate species fell by a third between 1970 and 2006.(在1970年到2006年之间,本来丰富的脊椎动物物种减少了三分之一。)
The heart is one of the first formed structures during organogenesis in vertebrate.(心脏是脊椎动物器官发生过程中最早形成的结构之一。)
The left side of most vertebrate brains, for example, seems to process and control feeding.(例如,大多数脊椎动物的左脑似乎负责的是处理和控制进食。)
By tracking how bones develop, and in what order, it's possible to see how various genes control the overall development of vertebrate organisms.(通过跟踪骨头如何发育以及以什么样的顺序发育,可能会发现不同的基因是如何控制脊椎动物的全面发育的。)
vertebrate是什么意思 vertebrate在线翻译 vertebrate什么意思 vertebrate的意思 vertebrate的翻译 vertebrate的解释 vertebrate的发音 vertebrate的同义词