1. the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air
Synonym: airing
2. the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation
the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation
Synonym: breathingexternal respirationrespiration
3. a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air
e.g. she was continually adjusting the ventilation
Synonym: ventilation systemventilating system
4. free and open discussion of (or debate on) some question of public interest
e.g. such a proposal deserves thorough public discussion
Synonym: public discussion
1. ventilation的意思
1. 换气:(六)有何准则依据,来决定是否要实施试探性开胸手术(Exploratory thoracotomy)来控制出血.(5) 假如同时存在气胸(Penumothorax)时.(五)血胸(Hemothorax)时,要抽出血液的准则(1) 血胸影响到换气(Ventilation)时,是一定要抽出的.(4)
2. 通气量:高碳酸血者是通气量(ventilation)不足的表现,除了中枢病变之外,其病因可能是由於代谢或神经肌肉障碍所致. 此种病变包括(1)特异性中枢性睡眠呼吸中止症候群(idiopathic central hypoventilation syndrome)(2)陈史氏呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes re iration)(3)高海拔性睡眠呼吸中止症(high altitude sleep a ea)及(4)其他原因引起脑干
3. 通气:成立于上世纪六十年代危重医学研究院,进行了大量的动物实验和临床研究,早期启用了Swan-Ganz导管监测血流动力学,并于七十年代提出治疗危重患者的VIP理论:通气(Ventilation)、灌注(Infusion)和心脏泵功能(Pumping).
Your salmon needs a little ventilation..I propose that we..give it the night air.
出自:J. Hersey