Said the little tailor, and drove the unbidden guests away.(小裁缝说着把不速之客赶走了。)
You may lose yourself in some worship, prayer or in some comforting belief but it will appear again, unbidden.(你可以将自己沉迷于某种膜拜,祈祷,或是某种令你安慰的信念上,但是悲愁还会不期而至。)
I had always considered Experian a sort of spam company, existing only to ask, unbidden, whether you want to see your credit rating - and I know I don't, nor do most people in Britain right now.(我一直认为百利公司的垃圾邮件排序,现有只问,学到的,无论你想看到你的信用评级-我知道我没有,也不会在英国的大多数人现在。)
The more we examine our attitudes and work on ourselves, the less we are apt to be swept away by stormy emotional reactions in which we seek easy explanations for unbidden events.(我们越是检视自己的态度并且更加努力工作自己,我们就越不容易被激烈的情感反应给吹垮,在这反应当中我们只会为那些不邀自来的事件寻找容易的解释。)
Three who come unbidden: love, jealousy, fear.(三种东西不招自来:爱情、嫉妒和恐惧。)
In the early years of the 21st century a frail old woman totters around her London home, assailed by memories that rise up unbidden.(本世纪初,一个虚弱的老妇人蹒跚在她伦敦住处附近,被难以自控的涌起的记忆所困扰。)
Unbidden shall it call in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.(它不邀自来,在午夜发出呼唤,人们会醒来,审视自己。)
Obsessive thinking was relieved and with it worry that unbidden thoughts alone cause harm.(强迫的想法被放缓,同时担忧及引发的自发性可能导致危害的想法也放缓了。)
But when cancer came to the door again, this time to claim my husband, Dan, Jeanine came, too, unbidden.(但是当癌症再一次光临并降临在我丈夫丹头上时,珍妮来了。)
The name came unbidden to Eric's mind–Albert Wong.(这个名字自动地来到埃里克的脑中–阿尔伯特•王。)
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