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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:54:03



英 [ˌʌnəˈsju:mɪŋ]

美 [ˌʌnəˈsu:mɪŋ]


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副词: unassumingly 名词: unassumingness

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. not arrogant or presuming

e.g. unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work
a shy retiring girl

Synonym: retiring

1. unassuming

1. 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的:crown of oven 炉拱, 炉顶 | unassuming 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的 | maline tie 绳索扎结(用绳把电缆固定到吊线上)

2. 谦逊的,不摆架子的:verbatim 逐字的,照字面意思的 literal | unassuming 谦逊的,不摆架子的 | opine 想,以为

3. 谦逊的:unassisted 无助的 | unassuming 谦逊的 | unassured 不确定的

4. 谦逊的ASSUME承担:vaulting 圆屋顶,跳的, 跳 | unassuming 谦逊的ASSUME承担/ | resurgence 苏醒

  • 经典引文

  • An unassuming single-storey stone building.

    出自:W. Boyd
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She had an open face and pale skin, a medium build and an unassuming manner.(她神情坦然,肤色白皙,体形中等,态度谦逊。)
He was a small and by all appearances an unassuming man.(他是个个子小并且从一切表象看来不装腔作势的人。)
It's goal is to load and manage the Cayenne runtime, but otherwise to stay as unassuming as possible.(它的目标是装载、管理Cayenne的运行时,但在其他方面都尽量不作为。)
You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor.(你一定会说我骄傲,但对我来说,真正重要的是,我的孩子长大了,有一颗热情善良的心,为人随和,不装模作样。)
None of these affected his unassuming modesty or diminished the warmth and generosity of his heart.(这些事情丝毫没有影响到他毫不矫饰的谦逊态度,也没有减退他内心的热情和慷慨。)
That means many of these unassuming mossy carpets were there when humans first made it to the continent a century ago-and likely well before.(这意味着很多这些看起来不起眼的苔藓“地毯”在人类一个世纪前涉足这块大陆前就已经存在了——而且可能是很久之前。)
Steve Carell and Tina Fey play a nice, unassuming couple in Date Night, and that's one of the reasons the movie works so well.(史蒂夫·卡雷尔和蒂娜费在《约会之夜》中饰演一对友好谦逊的夫妇,这是该片成功的原因之一。)
The unassuming Texas resident celebrated his windfall by having a family portrait photograph taken Wednesday morning.(这位德克·萨斯居民在周三的早上全家照了一张全家福,以庆祝他获得了这份意外之财。)
The shy and unassuming Allen was--per his custom--standing off to the side of the court, away from the center of the action.(阿伦是个内敛不张扬的家伙,他正站在场边,远离练习中心。)
Advances in science and technology can launch from unassuming springboards.(科学技术的进步可以借助微不足道的跳板来实现。)
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