英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:47:34



英 [ˈtru:ɪzəm]

美 [ˈtruˌɪzəm]


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形容词: truistic

  • 英英释义

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1. an obvious truth

1. 陈词滥调;不言自明的说法
A truism is a statement that is generally accepted as obviously true and is repeated so often that it has become boring.


e.g. Orpington seems an example of the truism that nothing succeeds like success...
e.g. Whilst this might sound like a truism, it is nevertheless a crucial problem to address.

1. 真理:GATT/WTO过去几十年的实践经验表明,这已经成为GATT/WTO法制的一项公认的真理(truism),即实际贸易的缺乏并不能成为没有违反有关规定的裁定的决定性因素,因为不能排除贸易的缺乏是由非法措施的的适用所造成的.

2. 不言而喻的道理:新军事网讯 一个在战场上不言而喻的道理(truism)是,能够夺取(contest)并维持空中战场的优越性(superiority)对战争的胜负有着关键性的影响,这也是为什么台湾拥有战斗机队是很重要的,尤其是在台海爆发大型冲突的情况下.

  • 经典引文

  • The truism that money cannot be spent twice.

    出自:W. Golding
  • It is..truism that art has become our secular faith.

    出自:Vanity Fair
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

This is not a platitude nor theorem, it is a truism.(这不是陈词滥调,而是事实。)
What you think is what you are and it is hard to escape this truism.(你的想法是什么,你很难摆脱这个真理。)
Of course, a truism can be a half-truth, and attractiveness is only part of what makes football compelling.(当然,公认只不过是半个真理而已,它仅仅是帮助足球变得更有吸引力。)
Rich v Happy: Yes, this is the truism that money doesn’t buy happiness.(富有VS快乐:是的,众所周知钱不能买来快乐。)
That tired truism about wanting only a healthy baby and not caring about gender?(还在老生常谈“不管性别如何,只要一个健康的宝宝”吗?)
This is truism, but its importance also sees one spot accordingly.(这是陈词滥调了,但它的重要性也因此可见一斑。)
We've yet to meet anyone who disagrees with the truism that people join companies but quit bosses.(人们加入公司,最后却因为种种原因炒了老板鱿鱼——这种事情再平常不过了。)
It is a truism lo say that the culture of any nation is the product of its mind.(任何一个民族的文化都是它的思想的产物,这句话是毫无疑义的。)
And it's been a truism for eons that extra cash always makes life a little easier.(而且多余出来的钱总是使生活更轻松,这是一个永恒的真理。)
It's a truism but worth repeating: Most middle-class household budgets can be cut.(这是一个老生常谈但值得重复的问题:大多数中产阶级家庭预算都能削减。)
truism是什么意思 truism在线翻译 truism什么意思 truism的意思 truism的翻译 truism的解释 truism的发音 truism的同义词