trash can

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trash can

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:44:03

英 [træʃ kæn]

美 [træʃ kən]

trash can基本解释



第三人称复数:trash cans

  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected

Synonym: ashcangarbage canwastebinash binash-binashbindustbintrash barreltrash bin

1. (通常置于户外的)垃圾桶,垃圾箱
A trash can is a large round container which people put their rubbish in and which is usually kept outside their house.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 dustbin

1. 垃圾桶:最后按下垃圾桶(Trash Can)的标志即可删除. 当你的图层(Layer)中有包含声音时,其显示如下(Layer 13).

2. trash can的反义词

2. (美)垃圾桶:can罐子,金属容器 | trash can(美)垃圾桶 | leave使...处于某种状态,听任

3. trash can的意思

3. 垃圾箱:167.teapot茶壶 | 168.trash can垃圾箱 | 169.stove烤箱


4. 垃圾桶(很重要的,最好隔一段就弄一个,不然道路很易脏):fountain:喷泉(唯一的美化建筑.....) | trash can:垃圾桶(很重要的,最好隔一段就弄一个,不然道路很易脏) | bench:长凳(会被休息区取代,无大作用)

  • 近义词
People can just throw them into the trash can as they turn around.(人们很有可能一转身就会把它们扔进垃圾桶。)
George squatted on the toilet and peeped forth from his lair to watch her emptying the dust bag of her vacuum cleaner into the trash can.(乔治蹲在马桶上,从他的窝里探出头来,看着她把吸尘器上的尘袋倒进垃圾桶。)
When their kitchen trash can is full, it is pulled out from its spot and placed in the middle of the floor.(当他们厨房的垃圾桶满了,垃圾桶里的垃圾都满出来了,在地板中间散落了一地。)
I crumble the paper into a ball and toss it into the trash can next to my desk.(我把纸揉成一团抛投到我桌旁的垃圾桶里。)
Talk of chess club and Dungeons &Dragons could get you stuffed into a trash can.(一提到象棋俱乐部和龙与地下城,你就会被扔进垃圾桶里。)
Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can.(然后他说他们在垃圾桶里发现了一堆文件。)
The theives only want your money, while the ID that YOU do need will just end up in the nearest trash can.(贼们只是要你的现金,而你的身份证,他们是不需要的,可能最后也只是落得个进入垃圾埇的下场。)
When you take something out of the package, go ahead and put it in the trash can or recycling bin.(当你从购物袋里把东西取出来之后,就把包装袋放到垃圾桶里或是回收袋里。)
Before there is no trash can, garbage everywhere, people put the rubbish into the bottom of the river.(之前没有垃圾桶,垃圾扔的到处都是,有人把垃圾到清澈见底的小河里。)
Charles: Throw it into the trash can.(查尔斯:扔到垃圾桶。)
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