过去式: transcended 过去分词: transcended 现在分词: transcending 第三人称单数: transcends
过去式: transcended 过去分词: transcended 现在分词: transcending 第三人称单数: transcends
1. be superior or better than some standard
e.g. She exceeded our expectations
She topped her performance of last year
Synonym: exceedoversteppassgo pasttop
2. be greater in scope or size than some standard
e.g. Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds
Synonym: exceedsurpass
1. 超越;超出
Something that transcends normal limits or boundaries goes beyond them, because it is more significant than them.
e.g. ...issues like European union that transcend party loyalty.
1. 超越:艾琪(HATCH)之光取意:贯穿诚信(Honest)、专业(Adept)、超越(Transcend)、坚持不懈(Constancy)、 快乐(Happy). 每一个墨缘人坚信:诚信是企业的生存之本,专业是企业发展的命脉,不断超越自我才能使企业地位提升,坚持不懈才能构建出产品的精益求精,
2. 创见:最好升级继续选用原来牌子的内存 不过考虑到现在现代多为水货的关系也可以 购买国内1线内存厂家生产的内存 兼容方面一般是不会出问题的 你可以选 黑金刚(KingBox)金邦(GEIL) Kingmax 宇瞻(Apacer) 威刚 南亚elixir) 创见(Transcend) Leadram(
3. 創見資訊:创见 JetRAM 2GB DDR2-667 记忆体 最超值的创见记忆体创 见资讯(Transcend)针对高阶的电脑特性而设计,研发制造出512MB/1GB DDR2-667高速记忆体模组,适用於搭配高阶晶片组的桌上型电脑和工作站.
4. 超越,胜过:Surpass超越, 胜过 | Transcend超越, 胜过 | Robust健康运行的
The ultimate values of art transcend the individual and his time.
出自:H. ReadThe heavenly perception..transcends all present experiences.
出自:Times Literary Supplement