traffic rule

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traffic rule

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:43:30

英 [ˈtræfik ru:l]

美 [ˈtræfɪk rul]

traffic rule基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 交通规则:11.traffic accident交通事故 | 12.traffic rule交通规则 | 13.learn to drive学车考票

2. 交通规则--揣费可入尔:traffic light 交通灯 --揣费可来特 | traffic rule 交通规则--揣费可入尔 | stop 停止---拾掇铺

3. 交往規律:reciprocal transformation 交互轉換;交互變形 | traffic rule 交往規律 | verb of trading 交易動詞

  • 临近词
To do so first you must remove the outbound port 25 policy rule so that outbound port 25 traffic goes through the rack in question.(这样做,你首先必需删除出站端口25战略规则,以便出站流量经过端口25架中的问题去。)
Build and analyze a mathematical model to analyze the performance of this rule in light and heavy traffic.(建立数学模型来分析这条规则在低负荷和高负荷状态下的交通路况的表现。)
In addition, by studying the traffic flow distribution rule in the minimum spanning tree, it is found that the proportion of the minimum spanning tree in the total system is close to a constant.(此外,通过研究最小支撑树上的流量分布规律,发现最小支撑树上流量占总系统流量的比例接近于一个常数。)
The selected IP filter list specifies which network traffic will be secured with this rule.(所选的IP筛选器列表指定了哪个网络传输将用此规则保护。)
The result of going against the traffic rule is serious.(违反交通规则的后果是很严重的。)
Remember this rule. In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left.(本来有交通安全规则,但人们总是粗心大意,不遵守。)
We often hear about the news that the famous star died of car accident, these teach us a lesson, if we are not care about the traffic rule, we will lose our lives, just drive safe.(我们经常听到新闻关于著名明星死于车祸,这些给我们上了一课,如果我们不在意交通规则,就会失去生命,注意安全驾驶。)
Every year, many people die of car accident, the main reason is that they do not obey the traffic rule, when they go across the road, the car hits them and the tragedy happens.(每年,很多人死于车祸,主要的原因在于他们不遵守交通规则,当他们过马路的时候,车子撞到他们,悲剧就发生了。)
Our teacher always asks us to obey traffic rule.(我们的老师总是要求我们要遵守交通规则。)
I think it's reasonable to this issue, no matter how strict the traffic rule is.(对于酒驾这个问题,我认为不管多严格的规定都是合理的。)
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