名词: torturer 过去式: tortured 过去分词: tortured 现在分词: torturing 第三人称单数: tortures
名词: torturer 过去式: tortured 过去分词: tortured 现在分词: torturing 第三人称单数: tortures
1. the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason
e.g. it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession
Synonym: torturing
2. the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
Synonym: distortionoverrefinementstrainingtwisting
3. intense feelings of suffering
acute mental or physical pain
e.g. an agony of doubt
the torments of the damned
Synonym: agonytorment
4. extreme mental distress
Synonym: anguishtorment
5. unbearable physical pain
Synonym: torment
1. subject to torture
e.g. The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible
Synonym: excruciatetorment
2. torment emotionally or mentally
Synonym: tormentexcruciaterack
1. 拷打;拷问;虐待
If someone is tortured, another person deliberately causes them great pain over a period of time, in order to punish them or to make them reveal information.
e.g. French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed...
e.g. Three members of the group had been tortured to death…
2. 折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼
To torture someone means to cause them to suffer mental pain or anxiety.
e.g. He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her...
e.g. She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.
3. 折磨;痛苦;苦恼;引起痛苦(或苦恼)的事物
If you say that something is torture or a torture, you mean that it causes you great mental or physical suffering.
e.g. Waiting for the result was torture...
e.g. The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture…
His tension mounts, and the last quarter hour before they meet is sheer torture.
出自:J. Moynahan