Acute tonsillitis is one of the common and frequently-occurring diseases including.(急性扁桃体炎是儿科病的常见病与多发病之一。)
The relevant dangerous factors of apnea include snore, bad nose respiration and tonsillitis.(呼吸暂停的相关危险因素包括:打鼾、鼻通气不畅、扁桃体炎反复发作。)
Disorders include pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and cancer.(咽部疾病有咽炎、扁桃腺炎和癌症。)
To study dysfunction of activated T cell in peripheral blood and make clear its role on pathogenesis in patients with recurrent tonsillitis(RT).(目的探讨反复扁桃腺炎(RT)患儿T细胞活化功能障碍情况,为分析RT的病因和发病机制提供理论依据。)
What is tonsillitis? What harm?(什么是扁桃体炎?有哪些危害?)
For treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ache, sore throat, tonsillitis, inflammation with pus, injuries from impacts, bleeding from wounds.(治风湿痹痛,胃痛,咽喉,扁桃腺炎,化脓性炎症,虫蛇咬伤。)
Possible Uses: Amenorrhea, colds, flu, loss of appetite, tonsillitis.(功用:无经,感冒,流感,胃口不开,扁桃体炎症。)
This medical condition, known as laryngitis, may be caused by throat infections, tonsillitis, inhalant allergies and pulmonary disease.(医学检查适应症是咽喉炎,可能是喉笼受到感染、扁桃腺炎、呼吸道过敏、或者肺部疾病。)
After the doctor examined him, he said he had quite severe tonsillitis.(医生检验后,说他扁桃腺发炎颇为厉害。)
Learn about tonsillitis symptoms and treatment.(了解扁桃体炎的症状和治疗。)
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