Objective To explore the clinical feasibility of right ventricular inflow tract posterior septal endocardium pacing , in order to find another pacing site for tined electrode.(目的探讨右室流入道靠后间隔心内膜起搏的临床可行性,为翼状电极寻找另一理想起搏部位。)
What has brought us here will lead us away; our ship sways in the tined harbor water.(带我们来这里的会带我们离去;我们的船在遭难的港口水中摇摆。)
Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway discloses that due to the sin of war, human being is des-tined to ruin and the only way out lies in the pursuit of true love and peace.(海明威的《永别了,武器》揭示了人类由干战争的罪恶注定走向毁灭,而人类命运的唯一前途在于对善、真爱及和平的追求这一主题。这一主题蕴涵于“尘土”和“雨”两大意象之中,并在主人公亨利思想转变的心路历程中得到集中体现。)
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