过去式: timbered 过去分词: timbered 现在分词: timbering 第三人称单数: timbers
过去式: timbered 过去分词: timbered 现在分词: timbering 第三人称单数: timbers
1. a beam made of wood
2. a post made of wood
3. (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound)
e.g. the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely
the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet
Synonym: timbrequalitytone
4. land that is covered with trees and shrubs
Synonym: forestwoodlandtimberland
5. the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material
Synonym: lumber
1. 木材;原木;树木;林木
Timber is wood that is used for building houses and making furniture. You can also refer to trees that are grown for this purpose as timber .
e.g. These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times.
e.g. ...a single-story timber building.
2. (造船或建屋用的)栋木,大梁
The timbers of a ship or house are the large pieces of wood that have been used to build it.
e.g. ...a bird nestling in the timbers of the roof.
1. 木材:古代只有步兵营(Barrack)和防御塔,资源限于粮食(Food)、木材(Timber)和财富(Wealth),城市限于小型(城市分小、大、超大3级古典时代的建筑、设施、兵种有了大幅度扩展,可建造骑兵营(Stable)、攻城车厂(Siege Works)、要塞(Fort)、大学(University)和采矿站,
2. timber的近义词
2. 原木:说的很快,我没听出来. 开始三个空很快,我又没抓住,有一句说nature undergo a _____. 各种材料有Timber,有Stone,原木(timber)要切割,石头要polish. 之后是填表题,有0.8,0.1,要注意后一句话,__是zero(
3. 音色:3、音色(timber)音色是人耳对某种声音独特性质的综合感受. 音色与多种因素有关,但主要取决于声音的波形,而声音的波形则决定于存在的泛音多少及各自的强度,也即主要取决于各种谐波的相对强度和最突出的谐波的频率,如图1–4.
4. 音质,音色:TIM transient intermodulation 瞬态互调失真 | Timber 音质,音色 | Timbre 声部
Buy the timber, saw it into logs, and sell it.
出自:M. Edwardes