英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 20:38:32



英 [ˈθaɪrɔɪd]

美 [ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd]



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形容词: thyroidal

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  • 甲状软骨
  • 【药】甲状腺剂
  • 【解】甲状腺
  • 喙板
  • 盾状鳞
  • 食用动物甲状腺的制剂
  • 甲状腺粉
  • 甲状腺动脉
  • 甲状腺神经
  • 从某些动物甲状腺中提炼出的药剂
  • 盾状的
  • 【解】甲状(软骨)的
  • 【解】甲状腺的


1. located near the base of the neck

Synonym: thyroid gland


1. suggestive of a thyroid disorder

e.g. thyroid personality

2. of or relating to the thyroid gland

e.g. thyroid deficiency
thyroidal uptake

Synonym: thyroidal

1. 甲状腺
Your thyroid or your thyroid gland is a gland in your neck that produces chemicals which control the way your body grows and functions.

1. 甲状腺:分化型甲状腺癌诊治指南更新随着新的诊疗手段的不断涌现,时隔3年,ATA于2009年11月在<>(Thyroid)杂志上发表了有关甲状腺结节和分化型甲状腺癌的最新诊治指南,在甲状腺疾病循证医学实践道路上又向前迈进了一大步.

2. 甲状腺素:I是合成甲状腺素(thyroid)所必需的成分,通过甲状腺素在体内的生理功能表达其生物学作用. 体内含量在20~50mg,平均05mg/kg BW,70%~80%储存于甲状腺. 甲状腺素促进蛋白质的合成,孕期对胎儿大脑的正常发育和成熟非常重要.


3. 甲状腺,甲状腺剂:tapazole 甲巯咪唑,他巴唑 | thyroid 甲状腺,甲状腺剂 | tolbutamide 甲磺丁脲,甲糖宁

4. 甲状腺, 甲状软骨:thumb 拇指 | thyroid 甲状腺, 甲状软骨 | ticklish 怕痒的,易痒的(人)

New thyroid cancer cases are likely to be reported in the coming decades.(在今后几十年,还有可能报告新的甲状腺癌病例。)
Thyroid disease can manifest itself in dry, brittle hair, brittle nails, and weight gain or loss.(头发干枯易断、指甲易断、体重骤增或骤减可能是甲状腺疾病的征兆。)
Physical causes range from thyroid issues or allergies to heart disease and stroke.(抑郁症能引起甲状腺分泌失调或者易引起心脏疾病和中风。)
If breathed in or swallowed, it will concentrate in the thyroid gland and increase the risk of thyroid cancer.(如果吸入或吞食放射性碘,放射性碘会集中于甲状腺,那么患甲状腺癌的风险就会提高。)
Girls and boys start out with similarly sized thyroid cartilage, but this changes when they hit puberty.(在刚出生时,男孩儿和女孩儿的甲状腺是一样大的,但到达青春期后,这一切便起了变化。)
Most of that gets taken up by the thyroid and is used to make hormones that regulate metabolism.(大部分碘都被甲状腺吸收了,用于分泌调节人体新陈代谢的激素。)
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located below your Adam's apple.(你的甲状腺是一个蝴蝶形状的腺体,位于你的喉结下面。)
The thyroid gland, one of these glands, affects the whole body and every cell function.(甲状腺——一种腺体,影响整个身体和每个细胞的功能。)
Late in life, Frazetta suffered from declining health compounded by a long-neglected thyroid condition.(晚年,弗雷·泽塔健康状况每况愈下,长期被忽视的甲状腺疾病又加重了他的痛苦。)
When your thyroid gland slows down, even on the slow side of normal, your metabolic rate also slows down.(当甲状腺功能减退时,即使只是正常生理性地减退时,你的代谢率也会减缓。)
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