the solar system

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the solar system

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:40:50
  • 单语例句
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the solar system

1. One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn's impressive gravity.

2. They knew about a number of near misses and calculated that many other rocky threats whirling about the solar system had gone undetected.

3. Curiosity is the capstone of what NASA calls the year of the solar system.

4. Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center has a solar energy heating system that can supply hot water for showers and for the 300 sq m swimming pool.

5. The goal of the Dawn mission is to collect enough information about Vesta and Ceres to understand conditions and processes of the early solar system.

6. He said thinking of space in those terms amounts to revolution comparable to Copernicus's proof of a solar system that orbited the sun.

7. The solar power station has adopted multiple advanced technologies including photoelectron, automatic control and an electricity reserve system.

8. It suggests that the probes may fly out of the solar system and enter cosmic space by 2050.

9. Scientists regard solar research as the key to unraveling the evolution of the solar system and even the whole cosmos.

10. They will collect scientific data important to future human exploration of the solar system during the mission.

the solar system的解释

1. the solar system的意思

1. Triton is also in a retrograde orbit, the largest moon in the solar system to do so.

2. The conclusion is an important reference value for the design of solar absorption refrigeration system.

3. At the same time it theoretically analyses the ways improving the performance of solar ejector refrigeration system.

4. Is Nibiru still populated by giant hominoids, as was said to be the case the last time it crossed through our section of the solar system?


5. They can build a space craft and send it to the edges of our very solar system.

6. the solar system

6. The research result indicates that the mass of solar energy dynamic system is greatly reduced by use of heat pipe receiver which has a good future in use.

7. the solar system什么意思

7. The research interests in the centre for astrophysics and planetary science include solar system studies, astrobiology, space missions, star formation, astrochemistry, superconducting astronomical detector development, and the cosmic history of galaxy formation.

8. the solar system的近义词

8. The life-giving sun is the most powerful force in our solar system.

9. The results show that flat solar-air compound source heat pump hot water system has good stability and energy saving parameters. The most water bursting ratio reached 350% and the highest exhaust temperature less than 100℃. The integrated energy saving standard of this system is above 90%.

10. Explanation: Recently discovered Makemake is one of the largest objects known in the outer Solar System.

11. the solar system什么意思

11. Under the efforts done by the excellent research fellowers and designers of the company a series of products of the solar energy application system has been developed, including solar energy moving house, solar energy street lamp, large scale solar energy lighting system, solar energy billboard and solar energy power generation system etc.

12. The operation performance under two different circulation modes was studied, which includes temperature variations of solar collector arrays and adsorption chillers as well as refrigerating output variations of the system.

13. The operation performance under typical operating mode in summer of Shanghai was studied, which included temperature variations of solar collector arrays and adsorption chillers as well as refrigerating output variations of the system.

14. The gas appears to be clumpy, forming thousands of comet-shaped knots each spanning about twice the size of our solar system.

15. Astronomy software, shows you the complete night sky (340, 000 stars) and our solar system in a 3D orrery view with the planets, asteroids, and comets from any place at any time.
天文学软件,向您显示完整的夜空( 340000颗星)和我们的太阳系在一个三维orrery的看法与行星,小行星,彗星,从任何地方在任何时候。

16. the solar system

16. Masters, like Jupiter, a gas bag so big it could swallow every planet and moon of the Solar System, and still have room to spare.

17. the solar system的翻译

17. The main controller compatible with DS87C550 and P87C552, implements the functions of system resource management and task schedule. The communicatory part, which expands the serial interfaces by TL16C554, implements the communication among the main controller, the remote communication terminal and the field devices. The interface part implements isolation between field devices and monitoring terminal with photoelectric coupling; Solar battery supplies power for the monitoring terminal.

18. The company produces Lithium-ion Battery Products such as LiMn2O4 Power Lithium -ion Battery, LiFePO4 Power Lithium-ion Battery, Gel Polymer Lithium-ion Battery used for electric tools, Backup Lithium-ion Battery Group for telecom application and so on and New Energy Products such as Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell and its components, Amorphous Silicon-minicrystal Thin Film Solar Cell, Solar Street Lamp and its associated products, Fuel Cell(National 863 Project), Solar Energy Storage Cell, Super Capacitor Energy Storage System used for Wind Turbine Variable Pitch System, and the design and construction of telecom base station and large scale solar energy and wind energy power generation system.

19. Software Description: About Chicken Invaders 2, The objective of this game is to save the solar system and secure the future of chicken burgers by fighting your way through 110 levels of invading chickens, while avoiding falling eggs and trying tostay alive.
Chicken Invaders 2 该游戏的目标是在110个小鸡入侵的游戏关当中进行战斗同时躲避下落的鸡蛋并且尽力保持生存来挽救太阳系并且确保鸡肉汉堡的安全。

20. This time Huang Qu the senior official yellow Jinlong's worry is extremely essential, because the planetoid running rate is not irrevocable, especially after enters solar system, receives solar as well as other star gravitational field function, but only can the rapid acceleration not be decelerates, therefore coordinated the entire campaign the duty to be more urgent and to be essential comprehensively, but plenary powers was responsible for this arduous duty is alliance president all unifies.

  • 临近词
Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.(土星是太阳系的第二大的行星。)
The solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets—namely, asteroids and comets.(太阳系也有两类类似的物体,比行星还小——即小行星和彗星。)
If we want to survive as a species, we have to expand into the solar system and likely beyond.(如果我们希望作为一个物种生存下去,就必须扩张到太阳系之中或超越太阳系。)
"And what is the Solar System?" asked the librarian.(“那么什么是太阳系呢?”管理员又问。)
At the heart of the solar system is our sun.(位于太阳系中心的是我们的太阳。)
In Astronomy, for example, the distinction between the solar system and the universe wasn't clear until modern times.(例如,在天文学中,太阳系和宇宙两者的区别直到现代才被弄清楚。)
The spacecraft will enable scientists to study some dark corners of the solar system.(太空船使得科学家可以研究太阳系中一些不为人知的角落。)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Those are the gas giants, the four heavyweights of the solar system. But was there once a fifth?(木星、土星、天王星和海王星。这些都是气体行星,是太阳系的四个重量级。但曾经存在第五个行星吗?)
The surface of Mars shows a wide range of geologic features, including huge volcanoes—the largest known in the solar system—and extensive impact cratering.(火星表面显示出广泛的地质特征,包括巨大的火山——太阳系中已知的最大的火山——和广阔的撞击坑。)
Complex life evolved on the Earth's surface, but not on Mars or other planets in the solar system because on those planets, early surface life was killed by UV radiation.(复杂的生命在地球表面进化,而不是在火星或太阳系的其他行星上,因为在那些行星上,早期的地表生命被紫外线杀死了。)
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