the media

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the media

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:34:01
  • 单语例句
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the media

1. A media war on waste is being launched in Beijing with the help of the general public.

2. This is despite concern in China that Ye has neither set foot in the media operation nor done business overseas.

3. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

4. The Beijing municipal government yesterday denied reports in the foreign media that said it had stopped issuing official invitation letters for business visas to foreigners.

5. Ding said those media should make good use of existing resources and advanced management methods for the new business.

6. Bush said it was " a shameful act " for someone to have leaked details to the media.

7. But what did I see in the local media the next day?

8. Local media reported that at some filling stations, many queued to buy the coupons over the weekend.

9. The media's exposure of the illegal demolition in Harbin resulted in the pressure of public opinion forcing the local government to act.

10. One of its most successful investments was buying a US $ 8 million stake in media company Focus Media at the end of 2004.

1. Hon in New Media Art from the Ryerson University in Toronto and his Post-graduate Diploma in Contemporary Art from Le Fresnoy - National Studio of Contemporary Arts in France.

2. All your settings are stored in the removable media.

3. Several organisations represent and cater for people working in the news media in Hong Kong.

4. the media的近义词

4. Media reports say he was the top Taliban representative in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province.

5. The Services are specialized in consulting and advisory, events organization and training, and new media.

6. This project aimed to design the setup menus of C2 Microsystems's Network Media Player, TV menu. The TV setup includ the language setting, time setting, video setting adn the audio setting.

7. His generals, meanwhile, Statius Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and Martius Verus44 for four years conducted the war until they advanced to Babylon and Media, and recovered Armenia.45 He, however, gained the names Armeniacus, Parthicus, and Medicus; and these were proffered to Marcus also, who was then living at Rome.

8. The maximum penalty, included in a new draft regulation, was sharply down from 30, 000 yuan previously reported by domestic media.

9. The ultimate goal is to transfer the communication group from a local broadcasting media group gradually to a global network communication group company as the content provider, distributor, and service conductor facing to the whole country and even overseas Chinese speaking world.

10. the media的翻译

10. First of all, tea customs in the rise of the monastery; Second, the Zen Buddhist, and the Tang Dynasty scholar-officials close to the temple monks, romantic pursuit of a refined way of life with the perfect ideal personality, often in the poetry of Zen temples, monks tea to guests to the literati poet To make friends, tea with the monks into civilian exchanges between the media.

11. Format failed: Cannot quick format the media to the required file system.

12. According to the practice of the network TV in CWIS, this essay introduces the basic principles of the network TV live broadcast system as well as the method and configuration of the network TV live broadcast system based on the Microsoft Windows Media.
结合网络电视在校园网内的应用实践,介绍网上电视直播系统的基本原理及基于Microsoft Windows Media建立网络电视直播系统的方法与配置。

13. The type that the article uses in education from video media and function and current situation of digitlization video education set out, discuss economy, efficient ground to get all sorts of by way of with resource of development education video and means, base oneself upon can develop video resource independently at helping average teacher, the informatization of stimulative school is built.

14. The first two years of the mountains in Liaoning Huanren found under the artificial presentation of a dead tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, one tiger this is not how to die conclusions, and second, this is where the tiger came to the place where the do not know, three is not a matter of national media attention in particular.

15. The shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship occurred around the turn of the century. It was closely tied to the rise of new forms of media --- first photography, and later moving pictures, radio and television.

16. Chinese edition assist game is versed in appoint secretary-general Liu Jie China affirm to media, total arrange of edition of new first quarter this year scent swims requirement net enterprise in the net You Zhongquan face executes real name attestation plan, and this program is effective it is the net swims prevent indulge one part of the system.

17. PR Newswire is the official news service for NATPE 2006 and can connect your message to all your critical audiences including: Media covering the event, Newspapers, Industry and Trade publications, Television and Radio newsrooms, Thousands of Web sites, databases, and online services, Prospective Customers and Business Partners, and Industry and Financial Analysts with direct posting to the Thomson First Call network for public companies.
PR Newswire 是 NATPE2006的官方新闻服务商,可以将你传递给重要观众的信息直接传递给面向公共企业的 Thomson First Call 电视网。重要的观众包括:覆盖事件的媒体,报纸,行业和贸易出版物,电视和电台新闻间,数以千计的网站,数据库,在线服务,预期客户和商业伙伴,以及工业和金融分析家。

18. The start of training: Katherine media - I was selected, there are three aspects


19. The start of training: In fact, we trillion - the media is tightly to the railway as a link to the train station platform.

20. Cheng Kaixun discloses, of million message medium appear on the market financing already was in the program, the lever of market of capital of have the aid of will expand actual strength, it is the new opportunity that new media industry expands.

  • 临近词
The trial was fully reported in the media.(媒体对这次审判进行了全面报道。)
Both candidates have spent the last month courting the media.(两位候选人在过去的一个月里都在取悦媒体。)
She claimed her problems were down to the media.(她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。)
The media coverage was shocking.(媒体的报道糟透了。)
Her new movie has had a lot of exposure in the media.(她的新片媒体有很多报道。)
The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman.(媒体把他描绘成一个左翼怪物。)
Why are the media persecuting him like this?(新闻媒体为什么总这样揪住他不放?)
These days the media are omnipresent.(现在新闻媒体无处不在。)
Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.(媒体不断把流言飞语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。)
He says the media are ravening wolves.(他说媒体就如同饿狼一般。)
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