the day before yesterday

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the day before yesterday

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:33:55

英 [ðə dei biˈfɔ: ˈjestədi]

美 [ði de bɪˈfɔr ˈjɛstɚˌde]

the day before yesterday基本解释

副词前天; 前日


  • 网络解释

1. 前:头一天(yesterday)和当天(today)的课,第二天全天都能下载的. 之前(the day before yesterday)的课下载时间才是每天晚6点至次日9点. :P:P:P


2. 昨天:238. the day after tomorrow 后天 | 239. the day before yesterday 昨天 | 240. the more..., the more.. 越......,就越......

3. (演讲):2The students have a ten minutes' (休息) between two classes | 3Mr Wu made a (演讲) the day before yesterday | 4The sun (升起) in the east early in the morning

  • 临近词
The accident happened the day before yesterday.(事故发生在前天。)
Today is Wednesday, and the day before yesterday was Monday.(今天是星期三,前天是星期一。)
Tom got married the day before yesterday, when it was his birthday too.(汤姆前天结婚了,那天也是他的生日。)
When did you finish this work? The day before yesterday.(你什么时候完成这项工作的?前天。)
The day before yesterday, when Peter's family were having dinner, Father raised an interesting question, "Was there anything in our past that we feel ashamed of, guilty about, or regretted?"(前天,当彼得一家在吃饭的时候,父亲提出了一个有趣的问题:“过去有什么让我们感到羞耻、内疚或遗憾的吗?”)
The day before yesterday, my uncle told me never to speak to him, his wife, or my two cousins again.(前天,我叔叔告诉我再也不要跟他、他的妻子或我的两个表兄妹说话了。)
To think I was lying on a beach only the day before yesterday.(想想吧,就在前天,我还躺在海滩上呢。)
Perhaps the day before yesterday.(大概是前天吧。)
The following photos were taken the day before yesterday.(以下相片拍于前天。)
We came back the day before yesterday.(我们前天回来的。)
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