the Deutsche Mark

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the Deutsche Mark

更新时间:2024-12-24 00:44:53
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the Deutsche Mark的近义词

1. The Bundesbank's tight monetary policies exported recession across Europe as interest rates went up in countries that pegged their currencies to the deutsche mark.

the Deutsche Mark

1. the Deutsche Mark

1. NARRATOR: The Allies introduced a new currency, the Deutsche Mark, to replace the 24 worthless German money.

2. Thusmaking the weights of each currency as follows: 39 percent for the U. S. dollar, 21 percent for the deutsche Mark, 18 percent for the Japaneseyen, and 11 percent each for the French franc and the British pound.

3. the Deutsche Mark的反义词

3. The post office bank, also part-owned by Deutsche Post, was among the weakest performers in recent European stress tests, although it scraped in over the 6 per cent pass mark.

4. The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries, aren't they?

5. the Deutsche Mark的反义词

5. As a town best known for trade and money, it is no surprise that Dusseldorf is a showcase for all the good things the Deutsche Mark can buy.

6. the Deutsche Mark的解释

6. Economists agree that the euro is weaker against other major currencies than the German deutsche mark would be.

7. In the second part, the writer, taking such major currencies in the history of world economy as Pound, Dollar, Deutsche Mark, Yen and Euro as samples, reviews their process of internationalization, analyzes and obtains their respective characteristics.

8. Bankers Trust, now part of Deutsche Bank, was arguably quickest off the mark.

9. As for mark, this means mainly the deutsche mark, for example.

10. the Deutsche Mark的近义词

10. After the Deutsche Mark was absorbed by the euro in2002, the currency was put on a fixed exchange rate to the new European currency instead.

11. The edge of a " weak " currency, compared to the old Deutsche Mark, also enabled Germany to garner booming sales in China and other Asian countries hungry for its cars and machine tools.

12. First, it exports more to non-eurozone countries because the exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if it had stayed on the Deutsche Mark.

13. The exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if Germany had kept its old currency, the Deutsche mark.

14. the Deutsche Mark在线翻译

14. It will give people confidence that the IPO market broadly is alive and well and still a place to invest, says Mark Hantho, global head of equity capital markets at Deutsche Bank.

15. As for mark, this means mainly the deutsche mark, for example

16. In exchange rates between the Deutsche mark and the US dollar.

17. In the 1970s, the Deutsche Mark was also pushed to appreciate.

18. It had a single objective—the stability of the deutsche mark, which, in domestic terms, meant price stability.

19. At this point the Swiss franc and the deutsche mark held by the IBM company, just hope that these two forms of currency funds into dollars, to avoid interest rate risk.

20. At that time, the World Bank in the Eurodollar market to more favorable conditions to raise dollars, but the actual need is the Swiss franc and the deutsche mark.

As for mark, this means mainly the deutsche mark, for example.(马克,主要指的是德国马克,例如。)
In the 1970s, the Deutsche Mark was also pushed to appreciate.(在二十世纪七十年代,德国马克也被迫升值。)
NARRATOR: the Allies introduced a new currency, the Deutsche Mark, to replace the worthless German money.(旁白:盟国刊行了新的通货——德国马克——以取代已经一文不值的旧通货。)
Not only does the rest of the euro zone absorb 40 percent of German exports, but consider the exchange rate of a reconstituted deutsche mark.(德国出口欧元区其他成员国的产品占其出口总量的40%,此外,一旦欧元崩溃,马克的汇率也不容乐观。)
At the end of August 1992, the "Quantum Fund?" Led by George Soros shorted USD 7 billion worth of pound sterling and bought Deutsche Mark worth USD 6 billion.(乔治·索罗斯领导的“量子基金”在1992年8月底,短期内作空卖出了70亿美元的英镑,购进了60亿美元的德国马克。)
First, it exports more to non-eurozone countries because the exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if it had stayed on the Deutsche Mark.(首先,它扩大了对非欧元区国家的出口。因为如果保持其他条件不变,实际的欧元汇率要低于德国继续沿用马克时的汇率。)
Historically, the Estonian kroon was pegged to the Deutsche Mark; it is now attached to the euro and has been stable since 20 June 1992 at a rate of 15.64664 krooni to the euro.(历史上,爱沙尼亚克鲁恩是和德国马克(DeutscheMark)联系在一起的,现在它附属于欧元,从1992年6月20日起保持了15.64664个克鲁恩对1欧元的稳定汇率。)
Suppose a UK importer must pay a certain amount of Deutsche Mark in 60 days to a German exporter for the import of some equipment.(假设一个英国进口商60天后将付一定数目的德国马克给一个德国出口商以进口一些设备。)
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