英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:16:28



英 [ˈti:tə(r)]

美 [ˈtitɚ]



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过去式: teetered 过去分词: teetered 现在分词: teetering 第三人称单数: teeters

  • 英英释义

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1. a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum
the board is ridden up and down by children at either end

Synonym: seesawteeter-totterteetertotterteeterboardtilting boarddandle board


1. move unsteadily, with a rocking motion

Synonym: seesawtotter

1. 濒临(危险的形势)
Teeter is used in expressions such as teeter on the brink and teeter on the edge to emphasize that something seems to be in a very unstable situation or position.


e.g. Three of the hotels are in receivership, and others are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy...
有 3 家宾馆已破产在管,其他几家正在破产的边缘徘徊。
e.g. His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.

2. (人)步履蹒跚,踉踉跄跄;(物)摇摇欲坠,东倒西歪
If someone or something teeters, they shake in an unsteady way, and seem to be about to lose their balance and fall over.

e.g. Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance...
e.g. He watched the cup teeter on the edge before it fell.

1. 倾斜:放样的变换控制(deformations):其参数在修改面板中才会出现,缩放(scale),扭曲(twist),倾斜(teeter),倒角(bevel)放样拟合(fit)是对放样模型进一步控制,采用这种方式建模可以先绘制出模型的前、顶、左面形状之后进行拟合控制.

2. 轴向变形:Sphere 球体 | Teeter 轴向变形 | Geosphere 经纬球

3. teeter的反义词

3. 步履蹒跚:teepee 圆锥形帐篷 | teeter 步履蹒跚 | teeterboard 跷跷板

4. 轴向位置变形命令:Teapot 茶壶 | Teeter 轴向位置变形命令 | Tetra 四面体

  • 经典引文

  • She teetered on high-heeled..shoes.

    出自:K. Vonnegut
  • They watched buildings..teeter and collapse.

  • Children teetering between tears and laughter.

One writer suggests grouping games into four classes depending upon the elements of competition, chance, mimicry, or vertigo (motion alone, i. e. , teeter-tottering).(一位作家建议根据竞争、博彩、模仿和平衡(如跷跷板等运动)的要素将游戏分成四类。)
Fixed the dining room table so it doesn't teeter?(修理了餐厅的桌子使它不再摇晃?)
Many have been driven to extinction, and many more now teeter on the brink.(许多物种已经被逼入绝境,更多的如今踉跄在生死之间。)
Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. "From 'Newton's Alchemy and His Theory of Matter,'" pp. 315-24.(朵布斯,贝蒂乔提特。《从牛顿的炼金术到他的物质理论》,315-24页。)
An airplane is like a teeter-totter. When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down, the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.(飞机就好像是一个跷跷板,当飞行员让飞机昂头飞行或者俯冲飞行的时候在最前面和最后面的位置就会有较大幅度的摆动。)
Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance.(海德挪了一下身子便感到自己往前晃动,开始失去平衡了。)
Insurance firms teeter on the brink.(保险公司正处于危险的边缘。)
The performance of teeter board was very wonderful, and drew rounds of applause.(晃板的演出很精彩,引来人们阵阵的鼓掌。)
the state budget is still in surplus even as California and New York teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.(州预算仍有盈余,而加州、纽约州还在破产边缘摇晃。)
Seagulls teeter on the parapet in front of her, boats go by.(海鸥在她面前的护墙上摇摇摆摆地走着,船只从她身边驶过。)
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