tape recorder

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tape recorder

更新时间:2024-07-02 00:39:52

英 [teip riˈkɔ:də]

美 [tep rɪˈkɔrdɚ]

tape recorder基本解释



第三人称复数:tape recorders

  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. a magnetic recorder using magnetic tape

Synonym: tape machine

1. 录放机;录音机
A tape recorder is a machine used for recording and playing music, speech, or other sounds.

1. 磁带录音机:航行於声音的空间里自由地穿越於声音的星座和银河之间,而这些在过去的时代里,只能在遥远的梦中惊鸿一瞥--星那吉斯

在第二次世界大战之后新的器具磁带录音机(Tape Recorder)的出现,逐渐取代了原先大部分被使用的工具如电唱机(phonograph),

2. 录音机:限定?(the句尾用什么词?(of all)(rulers),图书(books)等,然后问学生 How many books are there?2.用录音机(tape recorder)作教具,教学其他图形的意义. 如:

3. 磁带记录器:利用笔式记录器(pen recorder)和磁带记录器(tape recorder)等两种记录方式. ...直接评估含油率之量测情形,可换算评估校正样. 本含油率之标准误差(Sxc)亦是越小越好. 进一步. 应用各检量线量测测试样本时,对於检量线之预. 测效能,

4. 带记录器:资料也可储存于一个容量为5.24 MBits的磁带记录器(tape recorder),稍后再传送. 所有的动作由一个指令子系统控制,可处理任何29个direct command words或三个quantitative word commands,实施中途操纵功能.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
In the ground beneath the infirmary, the watch strikes ten. This triggers the mini tape recorder to begin recording.(在医务室楼下的地上,手表走到了10点,触动了微型录音机开始录音。)
If you have a tape recorder, record your description of the event as it happens.(如果你有录音机的话,别忘了描述一下正在发生的事情并用录音机录下来。)
Who invented the tape recorder?(录音机是谁发明的?)
Paul looks at the tape recorder.(保罗看了录音机。)
You might also answer into a tape recorder if you'd rather talk out your ideas.(然后做出回答。你也可以用录音机记录下你的回答,如果你更喜欢说出自己的想法的话。)
I would get a better tape recorder and drive all over Los Angeles like an untrained, unhelpful social worker.(我要买更好的摄影机,开车经过洛杉矶每一个角落,就像一个青涩、笨手笨脚的社会工作者。)
When Carl leaves, Keith pulls out a tape recorder -- he has taped their whole conversation.(等卡尔离开后,基思拿出一台磁带录音机——他已经把整个对话录了下来。)
He was wired up to a police tape recorder.(他被连接到了警方的录音机上。)
What he said was: "you're in the bathroom and I've taken control of your tape recorder."(他在录音里说:“你在浴室,我拿了你的带子。”)
Do you remember back in 1980 when we all rushed to buy a tape recorder that couldn't record?(还记得在1980年的时候,大家争先恐后,冲去买不能录音的磁带录放机吗?)
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