名词: tamperer 过去式: tampered 过去分词: tampered 现在分词: tampering 第三人称单数: tampers
名词: tamperer 过去式: tampered 过去分词: tampered 现在分词: tampering 第三人称单数: tampers
1. a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)
Synonym: tamptamping bar
1. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly
e.g. Someone tampered with the documents on my desk
The reporter fiddle with the facts
Synonym: fiddlemonkey
2. intrude in other people's affairs or business
interfere unwantedly
e.g. Don't meddle in my affairs!
Synonym: meddle
1. 干预;篡改
If someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so.
e.g. I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence...
e.g. He found his computer had been tampered with.
1. 篡改:坏哥哥却得了军 功章(badge) 阿弗为光线在争吵(affray),赌博为光线被出卖(betray),大街上光线在迷失(stray),只好到光 线下去祈祷(pray),钩住光线的是盘子(tray),装灰的盘子是烟灰缸(ashtray) 家有提篮(hamper)他篡改(tamper),篡改无人是纵容(tamp),
2. tamper的近义词
2. 防拆:8.主机具防拆(Tamper)功能. 9.访客电铃按钮. B.暂态(Momentary)输出设定(继电器接点输出时间1~255秒)
3. 夯土机;捣固机:tamped backfill 夯实回填;夯实回填土 | tamper 夯土机;捣固机 | tangent pile 支护桩
4. 削弱, 篡改:temper 脾气;性情;心情 | tamper 削弱, 篡改 | falter 颤抖, 支吾, 踌躇
The queen dowager tampered in this plot.
出自:Horace WalpoleHe was trafficking with her enemies and tampering with her friends.
出自:C. M. Yonge