英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:38:36



英 [ˈtælən]

美 [ˈtælən]


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1. a sharp hooked claw especially on a bird of prey

1. (猛禽的)爪,利爪
The talons of a bird of prey are its hooked claws.


1. 利爪:创办人Ron Phillips原本是Wilson Combat的枪匠,现在他办了自己的公司,为客户提供定制的1911或改装服务. 利爪(Talon)是一种5英寸枪管的1911,可供执法机构使用,也可用于IPSC、IDPA比赛 利爪2(Talon II)...

  • 经典引文

  • A kite..would have..carried me away in his talons.

  • His..impatience to make Annetje walk, escape the talons of the drug.

Talon, the Blade's Shadow, a playable champion character in the action real-time strategy video game League of Legends.(爪,叶的影子,在动作的实时战略游戏英雄联盟游戏的冠军人物。)
This kind of spice is made of eagle's talon and has a unique flavour.(这种香料味道独特,是用鹰爪作原料制成的。)
China in 1993 under the tutelage of Yingzhao Wang, Kuni eight Master Zhou Shusheng, first door to turn the child Talon practitioners and mind boxing boxing skills Hop Dharma eight.(1993年师从中国鹰爪王、六合八法大师周树生,先是习练鹰爪翻子门拳法及心意六合八法门拳技。)
According to the Army, TALON SWORDS is an unmanned ground vehicle that is receiving good reviews from Soldiers using it for explosive ordnance disposal.(根据陆军的说法,TALONSWORDS是一个无人地面车辆,使用它进行爆炸军械处理得到士兵们的好评。)
When this creature is put into a graveyard, you may choose target artifact creature gains talon-modular ability.(当此生物被从场上放到墓地时,你可以选择目标神器生物获得利爪套件异能。)
Talon-modular (First strike.(利爪套件(先攻。)
Head down against the wind, the talon leader lurched over to one of the monoliths.(他低下头抵挡住风,蹒跚的走向其中一颗大石头。)
The perforation, which misinterpreted as eyes, actually is a gap between the body of a bird and its talon.(被看作是眼睛的穿孔,其实是鸟的身体与爪之间的空隙。)
Some people treat Song person's notes novel as street gossip and is not to be talon seriously.(历史上有些人把宋人笔记小说视为街谈巷语、道听途说的小说家言,并未给予足够的重视。)
The recombinant DHFR protein containing his-tag was purified by using TALON metal affinity resin under nondenaturing conditions.(在非变性条件下,用TALON金属亲和层析树脂纯化含组氨酸标记的重组DHFR。)
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