英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-17 23:13:11



英 [ˈswi:tn]

美 [ˈswitn]


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过去式: sweetened 过去分词: sweetened 现在分词: sweetening 第三人称单数: sweetens

  • 英英释义

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1. make sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable

e.g. sweeten a deal

2. make sweeter in taste

Synonym: dulcifyedulcoratedulcorate

1. 使变甜;加糖于
If you sweeten food or drink, you add sugar, honey, or another sweet substance to it.


e.g. He liberally sweetened his coffee...
e.g. The Australians fry their bananas and sweeten them with honey.

2. 改善;使更合心意;使更有诱惑力
If you sweeten something such as an offer or a business deal, you try to make someone want it more by improving it or by increasing the amount you are willing to pay.


e.g. Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders...
e.g. She had been careful to sweeten the deal with a rather generous cash payment.

1. sweeten什么意思

1. 变甜:sweeten up 使甜蜜 | sweeten 变甜 | sweetener 甜料

2. 加甜:sweet 甜 | sweeten 加甜 | sweetheart 爱人

3. 使变甜 vi.变甜:survival 幸存,生存;幸存物,幸存者 | sweeten 使变甜 vi.变甜 | sweetness 甜蜜;新鲜;温和

4. 变甜,甜料:sweet,甜的,香郁,优美,愉快 | sweeten,变甜,甜料 | sweetness,芳香,亲切,甜美,新鲜

  • 经典引文

  • Mugs of cocoa sweetened with condensed milk.

    出自:M. Stott
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  • 临近词

On the one hand, clean money can sweeten your life, help you succeed and be your lifelong faithful companion.(一方面,干净钱能使你的生活变甜,帮助你取得成功,并成为您一生忠实的伴侣。)
I'm not authorized to go any higher, but during the evening I'll check with my people and see if we can sweeten our offer a bit.(我没有权限可以再提高价格,但晚上我会和内部的人谈谈,看看能不能再提出更好的价格。)
Illness or trouble found her resolute; as she once declared, she would "not forget the blessings which sweeten life."(她在疾病中表现出惯常的坚强,因为她曾这样说道:不要忘记祝福幸福的生活。)
Sweeten your life.(甜蜜你的生活!)
The idea now is to use the abolition of the tax shield to sweeten the end of the wealth tax.(这种方法在现在正是利用税盾的废除来减轻财产税最后的负担。)
Giving clients temporary fee cuts has helped sweeten this pill.(临时削减客户费用用来帮助渡过这个难关。)
Sours sweeten under certain conditions.(在一定的条件下酸的东西可以变甜。)
Or perhaps the Russians will sweeten the deal to get back their market share.(或者也许俄国人将会用跟多的甜头来重新夺回其市场份额。)
Sweeten to taste with a drizzle of raw honey or pure maple syrup.(另外还可加入少量生蜂蜜或纯枫糖浆增加甜度。)
Love will sweeten the music that your field plays calling a sweeter dream to your dance of life.(爱将使你能量场的音乐甜蜜,对你的生命之舞召唤来更甜蜜的梦想。)
sweeten是什么意思 sweeten在线翻译 sweeten什么意思 sweeten的意思 sweeten的翻译 sweeten的解释 sweeten的发音 sweeten的同义词