1. the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence
e.g. they were in want of sustenance
fishing was their main sustainment
Synonym: sustentationsustainmentmaintenanceupkeep
2. a source of materials to nourish the body
Synonym: nutrimentnourishmentnutritionalimentalimentationvictuals
3. the financial means whereby one lives
e.g. each child was expected to pay for their keep
he applied to the state for support
he could no longer earn his own livelihood
Synonym: supportkeeplivelihoodlivingbread and butter
1. 食物;营养;养料
Sustenance is food or drink which a person, animal, or plant needs to remain alive and healthy.
e.g. The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance, but little else.
1. sustenance
1. 生计:sustaining 支持的 | sustenance 生计 | sustentation fund 资助基金
2. 食物:猜测 v. speculate | 食物 sustenance | 闪族人 Semitic
3. 食物,营养;生计;支持(物):sunlit 太阳照着的,太阳晒着的 | sustenance 食物,营养;生计;支持(物) | tailor 裁缝,v缝制(衣服供应服装
4. sustenance的反义词
4. 生计;营养物:suspense#焦虑 | sustenance#生计;营养物 | swarm#群
The fur trade..gave early the great Canadian provinces.
出自:W. Irving