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更新时间:2025-03-11 00:37:39

英 [səˈspɪʃəs]

美 [səˈspɪʃəs]




副词: suspiciously 名词: suspiciousness

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  • 可疑的,有蹊跷的
  • 多疑的,疑心的,疑神疑鬼的
  • 猜疑的,怀疑的
  • 持怀疑态度的,表示怀疑的
  • 疑惧的
  • 互不信任的
  • 难以令人置信的
  • 猜疑的,疑心的 distrustful or doubtful
  • 可疑的 causing one to suspect guilt,wrongdoing,etc.;dubious
  • 表示怀疑的 incredulous or suspecting


1. not as expected

e.g. there was something fishy about the accident
up to some funny business
some definitely queer goings-on
a shady deal
her motives were suspect
suspicious behavior

Synonym: fishyfunnyshadysuspect

2. openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

Synonym: leerymistrustfuluntrustingwary

1. 猜疑的;怀疑的
If you are suspicious of someone or something, you do not trust them, and are careful when dealing with them.

e.g. He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him...
e.g. He has his father's suspicious nature.

'What is it you want me to do?' Adams asked suspiciously.

2. 觉得可疑的;起疑的
If you are suspicious of someone or something, you believe that they are probably involved in a crime or some dishonest activity.

e.g. Two officers on patrol became suspicious of two men in a car...
e.g. A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police.

3. 引起怀疑的;可疑的
If you describe someone or something as suspicious, you mean that there is some aspect of them which makes you think that they are involved in a crime or a dishonest activity.

e.g. He reported that two suspicious-looking characters had approached Callendar...
e.g. Nottingham police last night found what they described as a suspicious package.

They'll question them as to whether anyone was seen acting suspiciously in the area over the last few days...
Police were told to arrest voters found with suspiciously large sums of money in their pockets.

4. see also: suspiciously

Do not confuse suspicious, doubtful, and dubious. If you are suspicious of a person, you do not trust them and think they might be involved in something dishonest or illegal. I am suspicious of his intentions... Miss Lenaut had grown suspicious. If you describe something as suspicious, it suggests behaviour that is dishonest, illegal, or dangerous. He listened for any suspicious sounds. suspicious circumstances. If you feel doubtful about something, you are unsure about it or about whether it will happen or be successful. Do you feel insecure and doubtful about your ability?... It was doubtful he would ever see her again. If you are dubious about something, you are not sure whether it is the right thing to do. Alison sounded very dubious... The men in charge were a bit dubious about taking women on. If you describe something as dubious, you think it is not completely honest, safe, or reliable. ...his dubious abilities as a teacher.
不要混淆 suspicious,doubtful 和 dubious。suspicious of sb 表示不信任某人,认为其可能和欺骗性行为或违法之事有牵连:I am suspicious of his intentions (我怀疑他的意图), Miss Lenaut had grown suspicious (莱诺小姐起了疑心)。suspicious 还可用来指某事具有欺骗性、违法或危险:He listened for any suspicious sounds (他仔细听有没有什么可疑的声音),in suspicious circumstances (在可疑的情况下)。doubtful 表示不确定某事是否发生或是否成功:Do you feel insecure and doubtful about your ability? (你对自己的能力缺乏自信、感到怀疑吗),It was doubtful he would ever see her again (不知他是否还能再见到她)。主语为人时,dubious 表示不确定是否该做某事:Alison sounded very dubious (艾利森听起来犹豫不决),The men in charge were a bit dubious about taking women on (几位男主管有点拿不准要不要招女职工)。dubious 修饰事情时,表示该事不完全可信、安全或可靠:his dubious abilities as a teacher (他的教学能力令人怀疑)。


1. 可疑的:Surrounding 周围的,;环境 | Suspicious 可疑的 | Switzerland 瑞士

  • 常用例句
  • 经典引文
  • He is a suspicious character.
  • A man was hanging about the house in a suspicious manner.
  • The milk was so suspicious we had to open a tin of preserved milk.

    出自:H. Bannerman
  • If you hear any suspicious noises..dial 999.

    出自:S. Radley
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
She died in suspicious circumstances.(她死得蹊跷。)
We have become suspicious of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain.(我们已经开始怀疑我们的食物,特别是当我们更多地了解它们所含的东西。)
It gives his films an uncanny feature: the familiar made unfamiliar, the normal made suspicious.(这给他的电影带来神秘的色彩:让熟悉变得陌生,让正常变得可疑。)
I'm suspicious of his motives.(我怀疑他的动机。)
It was all very suspicious.(这一切十分可疑。)
The police inferred, though they didn't exactly say it, that they found her behaviour rather suspicious.(警方虽未明说却暗示他们发现她的行迹相当可疑。)
Andrew, you have a very suspicious mind.(安德鲁,你疑心太重了。)
If random numbers are messed up, all security based on it is suspicious.(如果随机数搞乱了,那么基于它之上的所有安全都是可疑的。)
The fire is of suspicious origin.(这场火灾起因可疑。)
"All-gone," cried the mouse, "that is the most suspicious name of all!"(“全吃光了,”老鼠叫道,“这名字太可疑了!”)
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