英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 20:07:56



英 [ˈsʌnflaʊə(r)]

美 [ˈsʌnˌflaʊɚ]


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  • 向日葵堪萨斯州州花
  • 葵花
  • 向阳花
  • [C] 向日葵;葵花 a garden plant which grows very tall,with a large yellow flower and seeds which can be eaten or used for making cooking oil


1. any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays

Synonym: helianthus

1. 向日葵;葵花
A sunflower is a very tall plant with large yellow flowers. Oil from sunflower seeds is used in cooking and to make margarine.

1. 太阳花:太阳花(Sunflower)08年牵手郎文,整合全球最强大的教育培训资源(培生教育是全球最著名的英语教育出版机构也是全球最大的教育机构,致力于不同的学习人士提供各类教育资源.

2. sunflower是什么意思

2. 葵:学名:Helianthus anns 向日葵(Sunflower),热情的向日葵是太阳的爱慕者,对阳光情有独钟. 希腊神话中,美丽多情的少女克来荻雅倾慕太阳神阿波罗. 每天她望著天上金色耀眼的马车奔驰,祈祷阿波罗能停下马车看她一眼. 但少女的愿望始终没有实现,

  • 常用例句

  • The sunflower turns towards the sun.
  • She is watering the sunflowers.
The sunflower looks like bowing to the sun.(那朵向日葵看起来像是向太阳鞠躬。)
Beware, the backseat of this car is pebbled with sunflower seed shells from his recent trip to Maine.(注意,车后座洒下的瓜子壳是他最近一次去缅因州的旅行留下的。)
Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.(葵花籽人造黄油跟黄油的脂肪含量一样。)
Do you know how to turn a simple sunflower seed into a piece of delicious meat?(你知道怎么把一个简单的向日葵花籽变成一片片美味的肉吗?)
In the fall, they eat a significant portion of the province's sunflower crop.(到了秋天,它们会吃掉该省相当一部分的向日葵。)
This is by far the biggest sunflower I've ever had - usually they're around 12ft.(这是目前为止我所种过最高大的向日葵,一般的高度都只有12英寸(约合3.7米)。)
The familiar sunflower has provided great examples of adaptation by hybrids.(普通的向日葵为我们提供一个通过杂交产生适应性的绝佳例证。)
The striking, yellow 50 guilder note features a sunflower prominently.(动人的黄色50荷兰盾,其中向日葵最显眼。)
A: It has come to my attention that some of you are eating sunflower seeds at work.(A:我注意到有的人在上班时间嗑瓜子。)
These reports from clinics have also thrown up a surprising new player: sunflower-seed allergy.(这些来自诊所的报告还推出了一个令人吃惊的新手:葵花子过敏。)
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