Before the important works, undertaken in 1833, the subterranean drain of Paris was subject to these sudden slides.(在1833年动工的重要工程以前,巴黎的地下沟道时常会突然塌陷。)
For example, the mission churches share certain spatial qualities with the indigenous kiva, a round, partly subterranean room used by many Southwest Native American communities for important rituals.(例如,这些教会与当地的kiva(一种圆形的地下房间)在空间上有一些相似之处,许多西南地区的印第安人社区用它来举行重要的仪式。)
The city has 9 miles of such subterranean passages.(这座城市有9英里这样的地下通道。)
It's a mountain of festering refuse, a half-hour hike across, emitting clouds of smoke from subterranean fires.(腐烂的垃圾堆积如山,要花上半个小时才能走到头儿,烟雾笼罩宛若来自地下的熊熊火焰。)
A subterranean flow of briny water could rearrange sand grains or alter surface roughness in a way that darkens its appearance.(地下水流的流动会使得沙粒积累,并使得表面变得粗糙,从而颜色更深。)
It would have George Orwell rotating longitudinally in his subterranean post-life enclosure.(就算是乔治·奥威尔听了这个,也会在棺材(subterraneanpost-lifeenclosure)里“腾”地一下坐起来(rotatinglongitudinally)。)
Gravity Power and Escovale Consultancy Services have touted similar subterranean ideas.(重力和埃斯科瓦尔顾问服务公司心里也兜售相似的想法。)
But Egypt has been building an iron barrier, sunk deep into the sandy soil, to thwart this subterranean traffic.(不过,埃及正在建造深入沙土的钢铁屏障,以阻止秘密的地下交通。)
But they do not last long under the subterranean pressure.(但是它们在地下的压力下撑不了多久。)
It's not super light--reading by it would be difficult and eye-straining--but certainly beautiful in an unearthly or subterranean way.(它不是很亮,在这种灯光下看书会觉很困难,眼睛也会疲劳,但的确很漂亮,不是吗?)
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