英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:20:00



英 [səˈpi:nə]

美 [səˈpinə]



过去式: subpoenaed 过去分词: subpoenaed 现在分词: subpoenaing 第三人称单数: subpoenas

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  • 【律】传票
  • 传讯,传审 ,传召
  • 【律】(用传票)传唤,传唤(某人)出庭作证
  • 索取


1. a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding
disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court

Synonym: subpoena ad testificandum


1. serve or summon with a subpoena

e.g. The witness and her records were subpoenaed

1. (传唤某人出庭作证的)传票
A subpoena is a legal document telling someone that they must attend a court of law and give evidence as a witness.

e.g. He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court.

2. (以传票)传唤…出庭作证;要求当庭出示(证据)
If someone subpoenas a person, they give them a legal document telling them to attend a court of law and give evidence. If someone subpoenas a piece of evidence, the evidence must be produced in a court of law.

e.g. Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses...
e.g. The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.

1. 传讯:联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)在一项对可能的抗竞争操作的调查中,计划传讯(subpoena)190家医药公司. 该机构称其正在调查,当被竞争公司(competitors)刚刚公布其产品时,一些医药公司是否试图通过发布其被批准的非专利版本来防碍竞争.

2. 传票 传票:submit evidence 提出证据 提出证据 | subpoena 传票 传票 | substance abuse 滥用药物 滥用药物

3. subpoena的反义词

3. 传唤(令):subject to financing clause 融资条件条款 | subpoena 传唤(令) | subsidiary corproration 子公司;附属公司

  • 经典引文

  • It was very hard..to get a respond to a subpoena if he lived out of the state.

    出自:N. Mailer
He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court.(他被送达了一张出庭应诉的传票。)
Maybe he should be served a subpoena instead.(或许他应该接受的是一个传讯。)
Currently, courts are divided on whether access to location information requires a warrant or a subpoena.(目前,法院在是需要授权令还是传票才能获得个人信息方面存在分歧。)
Cuomo had sought the names of the employees who received bonuses from Liddy through a subpoena.(Cuomo已经找到了那些从Liddy那里通过传票获得奖金的雇员的名字。)
Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses.(特别委员会有权传唤证人。)
The day the subpoena was made public, Google's shares dropped almost 9%, its largest single-day decline since it be gan trading in 2004.(传票公布于众的当天,Google的股价几乎下跌了9%,创下2004年上市以来最大单日跌幅。)
These records are being produced pursuant to subpoena (attached hereto).(这些记录将依照(其后所附的)传票予以出示。)
It took 90 minutes and the threat of a subpoena to get me to testify.(整个过程花了90分钟并威胁发传票让我做证。)
If receive subpoena, we also can undertake assessment to subpoena, not hesitate even below essential condition litigate.(假如收到传票,我们也会对传票进行评估,在必要的情况下甚至不惜对簿公堂。)
Como AIG has issued a subpoena for more information about these bonuses.(科莫已向AIG发出传票,索取更多有关这些奖金的信息。)
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