Do it straight away because the longer you wait the harder it will be.(马上就做,因为等得越久,就越难开始。)
We hit it off straight away.(我们一见如故。)
If you can't achieve that, you may as well spend your money straight away.(如果连这都做不到,你还不如直接花了它。)
She guessed the answer straight away.(她一下子就猜中了答案。)
Some debtholders did not get their money back straight away, a technical default.(一些债务持有人没有直接拿到他们的钱,这是技术上的违约。)
I should go and see a doctor straight away.(我应该立即去看医生。)
I didn't pick up the napkin straight away.(我没有马上拾起那张餐巾纸。)
It couldn't just be boiled and eaten straight away as it is today.(不像今天的玉米,可以直接煮来吃。)
That's brilliant! I'd better get writing straight away.(太精彩了!我最好马上开始写。)
"Why does God not kill me straight away?" he wrote plaintively. The end came soon.(他哀怨地写道:“上帝怎么不让我立刻死去?”)
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