stick together

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stick together

英 [stik təˈɡeðə]

美 [stɪk təˈɡɛðɚ]

stick together基本解释

团结一致; 互相支持


  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. be loyal to one another, especially in times of trouble

e.g. The two families stuck together throughout the war

Synonym: stay together

1. 团结一致;相互支持
If people stick together, they stay with each other and support each other.

e.g. If we all stick together, we ought to be okay.

1. 团结一致, 互相支持:stick to粘住,紧跟;坚持,遵守; | stick together 团结一致, 互相支持 | stick with 坚持做,继续做

2. 齐心协力:├stick at认真做某事 | └stick together齐心协力 | l grease(给容易)润滑油

3. stick together是什么意思

3. 把...粘到一起:39. cut the paper 剪纸 | 40. stick...together 把...粘到一起 | 41. class party 班级聚会

4. 粘在一起:put together 加起来 装配 | stick together 粘在一起 | throw together 匆匆拼凑

  • 临近词
Us guys are supposed to stick together.(我们小伙子应该团结一致。)
Make the antigens stick together, preventing them from entering cells or reproducing.(将病原体黏在一起,防止它们进入细胞或繁殖。)
That is because oily hair tends to stick together.(这是因为油性发质的头发比较容易粘在一起。)
Once one deal comes through and it's successful, people tend to stick together.(当一个交易进行下去并最终获得成功,人们就会更加紧密。)
My clothes used to stick together like Velcro.(我的衣服以前都像强力胶似地黏在一块。)
Rather, they stick together in clumps.(它们是以块状粘在一起。)
Some stick together for long periods, but for others the association is transient.(有些粘在一起很长时间,但对其它来说伙伴关系则是暂时的。)
I put some glue on this paper, so they can stick together.(我给这张纸涂了胶水,因此它们可以粘在一起。)
And that way those atoms stick together determines what the material can do.(那些原子聚集的方式决定了该物质的功能。)
Super glue makes many things stick together.(强力胶可以将很多东西粘合到一起。)
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