steer clear of

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steer clear of

更新时间:2024-05-07 02:23:37

英 [stiə kliə ɔv]

美 [stɪr klɪr ʌv]

steer clear of基本解释

绕开; 避开


  • 网络解释

1. steer clear of的解释

1. 避开:go for 袭击,主张,选择 | steer clear of 避开 | ever since 自从


2. 避开......航驶:steer a trick 舵工一次轮转值班 | steer clear of 避开......航驶 | steer course 采取......航向

3. 避开, 绕开:bath towel 浴巾 | steer clear of 避开,绕开 | cut off 挂断


4. 避开,避免:on the run 奔逃,逃避;忙个不停 | steer clear of 避开,避免 | make up 构成,组成

  • 临近词
You should also steer clear of electrical equipment indoors, including the telephone.(你应该也很清楚,要避开房中带电的地方,包括电话机。)
But for now, I'd steer clear of high traffic areas.(但现在,我就避谈交通流量大的区域了。)
Those on the hunt for a value meal should also steer clear of Scandinavia.(那些寻找物超所值汉堡的人最好避开斯堪的纳维亚半岛诸国。)
Only about one woman in a thousand carries her bag on the left, and I tended to steer clear of them.(一千个人中大概只有一个女人会把包背在左边,而我往往会避开她们。)
Meanwhile, steer clear of tapered leg openings or a wide bell-bottomed look.(同时,不要穿锥形或宽腿喇叭型的牛仔裤。)
Steer clear of alcoholic drinks before bed since these may disrupt your sleep patterns.(睡前不能饮酒,因为这可能会打乱你的睡眠模式。)
Her advice is to steer clear of commission, or cash-in-hand jobs, many of which are exploitative.(她建议,应该避开佣金或者手头现金的工作,它们充斥着剥削。)
Stick with content, and steer clear of the latest cunning tricks.(坚持内容,避开最新的狡猾伎俩。)
I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.(我认为很多人,尤其是女性,有意避开这些敏感问题。)
Steer clear of negative thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in – replace it with a positive thought.(避开消极的想法吧,如果消极的思想在蠕动——那么用积极的思考取而代之吧。)
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