英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:07:37
  • 网络解释

1. 停住不动:? Some things rub them the wrong way他们被惹怒了 | ? Stay put停住不动 | ? to fly off the handle突然生气、发怒

2. stay put

2. 待在原地:28. stock up 买进储存起来 | 29. stay put 待在原地 | 30. keep up 继续

3. stay put什么意思

3. 留在原处:start on the wrong foot 迈错第一步 | stay put 留在原处 | steal one's thunder 抄袭,模仿

4. 呆在原处不动:stay away from 远离,避免 | stay put 呆在原处不动 | stay up late/all night 熬夜

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

My house stays clean, my clothes stay put up and the dishes are done.(我房子很干净。衣服摆放整齐,碗碟收拾利索。)
Still, 51% of voters want him to stay put, and only 30% want him out.(但仍有51%的选民希望他能留任,仅30%的人希望他离职。)
It pays to stay put in China.(在中国有回报。)
The problem for any potential purchaser is whether the assets will stay put.(对任何一家潜在的买家来说,问题是资产是否会原地不动。)
They often decide to stay put rather than default.(这些人往往决定维持现状,而非违约。)
Doing nothing meant she might just stay put. But if he tried to move her, exactly where would he position his hands?(什么也不做就意味着她可能会就这么坐下去,但是要想推开她的话,他的手应该放在哪里才好呢?)
You can get through anything if you stay put in today.(如果今天能坚韧不拔,就能度过一切。)
Then just stay put, and don’t either of you do anything until I get there.(那就呆着别动,你们两什么都别做,等我来了再说。)
When it stopped, the guards motioned for the men to get out but for me to stay put.(当车停下的时候,看守示意那两个男人下车,但却让我留在车上。)
That depth provides enough pressure to turnCO2 into what is known as a supercritical fluid, a form in which the stuff ismore likely to stay put.(这样的深度可以提供足够的压力来将二氧化碳转化为一种超临界液体,这种形态下二氧化碳更容易待着不动。)
stay put是什么意思 stay put在线翻译 stay put什么意思 stay put的意思 stay put的翻译 stay put的解释 stay put的发音 stay put的同义词