1. continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature
e.g. the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge
Synonym: meditation
2. a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence)
e.g. speculations about the outcome of the election
he dismissed it as mere conjecture
Synonym: conjecture
3. a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
Synonym: guessconjecturesuppositionsurmisesurmisalhypothesis
4. an investment that is very risky but could yield great profits
e.g. he knew the stock was a speculation when he bought it
Synonym: venture
1. speculation
1. 臆测:次经所罗门的智慧书的作者在这方面更进一步,想把旧约之中论到智慧的教训,并入希腊的臆测(speculation)中. 他采用斯多亚学派的言语,他们说智慧是蕴含在这个世界之中,并且在幕后作许多种不同的创造事工的一种神圣的动力. 这里把智慧看成一种散发,
Mere romantic speculation of political dreamers.
出自:H. P. BroughamSpeculation increased that we might..devalue the dollar.
出自:Lyndon B. JohnsonSpeculations as to what went on in the artist's mind are unverifiable.
出自:I. A. Richards