Mr Pearmain points out that Ugandan oil is waxy, and so likely to solidify in a pipeline unless heated.(皮尔曼指出,乌干达的石油呈蜡状。除非石油管道不停地被加热,石油很可能会变成固体。)
Finally, mortar was pumped or poured into the edge voids to embed the steel, bond the blocks, and solidify the structure.(最后,灰泥填充到边缘间隙中以固定钢筋和砖块,以及凝固结构。)
To excel in science meant to solidify the glory of one's country at a time of significant instability in the region.(在那个动荡的年代,主导科学意味着为国家的光荣和梦想。)
Opinions are beginning to solidify.(意见开始成形。)
These standards are still evolving and have yet to solidify solutions for all the areas needed.(这些标准仍在不断改进,为所需的全部领域巩固解决方案。)
That trip helped solidify my dream of finding a more interesting life than being an average kid in Washington Heights.(那次旅行进一步坚定了我追求更加多姿多彩的人生梦想,不再甘心做华盛顿高地的平庸男孩。)
It has the remarkable capacity to solidify the sentient Earth's resolve &intent into tangible physical reality.(它具有显着能力,可以稳固地球众生的决心和意图,并转化为有形的物质实相。)
It's looking for relationships it wants to solidify in the region.(它正在该地区寻求它想加以巩固的联系。)
It's this personal interaction that can form and solidify a real, deep and meaningful connection, but these types of relationships are difficult to find.(这是一种私人互动,能够培养和固化一个真实的,深厚的并且有意的关系,但是这种类型的人脉很难找到。)
If I don't take a language and do something useful with it, then the concepts just don't solidify in my memory.(如果不使用那种语言做一些有用的事,该语言的相关概念就不会在我的记忆中得到巩固。)
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