He told her that he had just come from his sociology class.(他告诉她说,他刚刚上了社会学课,才来到这里。)
Out with every theory of human behavior, from linguistics to sociology.(从语言学、社会学的人类行为原理里解脱吧。)
Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.(辛普森的那些被过分称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上是老生常谈。)
Etzioni is still teaching the sociology of right and wrong and still calling for ethical business leadership.(Etzioni仍在教授关于是与非的社会学,仍在呼吁符合伦理的商业领导力。)
Some people have argued there's a module for sociology, for dealing with human groups, races and classes and so on.(有些人认为存在一个社会学模块,用以面对各种人类团体,种族以及阶级等等。)
You can keep it all year as long as no one else requests it, but someone else has, it looks like one of the professors in the sociology department.(只要没有其他人需要它,你可以借它一整年,但有人需要了,则可能会是社会学系的一位教授需要。)
Biologists have brought rigour to psychology, sociology and even economics.(生物学家们给心理学、社会学甚至是经济学带来了严谨感。)
For this assignment, you could simply point the group to other Sociology reference material.(对于此任务,您只需将小组引导向其他社会学参考资料即可。)
His dad is a scientist and his mom was a sociology undergrad.(他父亲是科学家,母亲大学学社会学。)
In the classic, more widely accepted alternative ultimately derived from Weberian sociology, hierarchies of causes are treated as historically specific.(在经典的、更被广泛接受的、最终源自韦伯社会学的替代理论中,原因的等级被视为历史上特定的。)
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