过去式: slid 过去分词: slid 现在分词: sliding 第三人称单数: slides
过去式: slid 过去分词: slid 现在分词: sliding 第三人称单数: slides
1. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it
e.g. his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill
the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope
Synonym: glidecoast
2. sloping channel through which things can descend
Synonym: chuteslidewaysloping trough
3. a transparency mounted in a frame
viewed with a slide projector
Synonym: lantern slide
4. a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study
Synonym: microscope slide
5. plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide
Synonym: playground slidesliding board
6. (music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale
e.g. the violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides
Synonym: swoop
7. (geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc.
1. move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner
e.g. the wheels skidded against the sidewalk
Synonym: skidslipslueslew
2. to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly
e.g. They slid through the wicket in the big gate
Synonym: slither
3. move smoothly along a surface
e.g. He slid the money over to the other gambler
1. 滑动;溜
When something slides somewhere or when you slide it there, it moves there smoothly over or against something.
e.g. She slid the door open...
e.g. I slid the wallet into his pocket...
2. 麻利而无声地移动;悄悄地溜到
If you slide somewhere, you move there smoothly and quietly.
e.g. He slid into the driver's seat...
e.g. 'Nice meeting you, Zoe,' I said and slid off.
3. 不自觉地陷入(某种情绪、态度或情境)
To slide into a particular mood, attitude, or situation means to gradually start to have that mood, attitude, or situation often without intending to.
e.g. She had slid into a depression...
e.g. He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos.
4. (货币)贬值;(物价)下跌
If currencies or prices slide, they gradually become worse or lower in value.
e.g. The US dollar continued to slide...
e.g. The upset sent share prices sliding to their lowest level for almost 18 months...
这种不安情绪使股票价格跌落到几乎 18 个月以来的最低水平。
5. 幻灯片
A slide is a small piece of photographic film which you project onto a screen so that you can see the picture.
e.g. ...a slide show.
6. (显微镜的)载玻片
A slide is a piece of glass on which you put something that you want to examine through a microscope.
7. 滑梯
A slide is a piece of playground equipment that has a steep slope for children to go down for fun.
8. 放任…自流;任…恶化而不予处理
If you let something slide, you allow it to get into a worse state or condition by not attending to it.
e.g. The company had let environmental standards slide.
1. 滑动:在夏日河流的黑暗里漂出的<>(Words)、<>(Slide)、<>(Lazy)<>、(Rope)、<>(Lullaby)均带来界于冷与热之间最舒适的温度,给人的是身体与心灵的双重安逸.
2. 幻灯片:只要按照你得思维方式把一个别人能接受得你对设计的理解用作品集表达出来,那你就成功了,你可以采用的媒介也是多种多样的,网站,digital format,print copy,幻灯片(slide)都可以,要想着把作品集像包装任何一个以前的设计一样的去认真对待,
3. slide
3. 滑块:所谓四点压力机就是传动系统输出四个连杆结构,四个连杆机构末端与滑块(slide)连接的压力机. 同理两点连接的压力即称为双点压力机,单点连接的称为单点压力机.
4. 滑梯:今天,微微老师和大班的小朋友们一起学习了滑梯(slide) 跷跷板(seesaw)和秋千(swing),并让小
She slid a coin into his hand.
She slid the key into the keyhole.
slide into sthShe slid into the room.
An elderly lady slid into the seat.
I had been sliding in Christ-Church meadow.
出自:S. JohnsonAt night I see meteors slide across the sky.
出自:J. HawkesThe ebony panels of one wall had slid aside on a sort of track.
出自:Scott FitzgeraldHe lets the paper slide to the floor.
出自:C. Isherwood