英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 17:31:54



英 [siˈestə]

美 [siˈɛstə]


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1. a nap in the early afternoon (especially in hot countries)

1. (尤指气候炎热国家的)午睡,午休
A siesta is a short sleep or rest which you have in the early afternoon, especially in hot countries.

e.g. They have a siesta during the hottest part of the day.


1. 午睡:(1)魔幻写实:<>(Siesta)这部电影中的魔幻写实风格与林燿德在<>、<>、<>中的几部小说中发展出的魔幻写实风格十分相近;


2. 午休:炎热的夏日午后正是西班牙人大肆享受漫长午休(siesta)的黄金时间,所以除了餐馆之外,街上所有店铺都大门紧闭,直到之后的一个晚上路过这里才发现原来这里居然是陶瓷一条街,而且几乎都是前面店铺后面作坊的模式,只是我总是早出晚归,

3. siesta的解释

3. 午后小睡:短睡者 Short sleeper | 午后小睡 Siesta | 睡眠结构 Sleep architecture


4. 情不自禁:1988 - Zelly and Me 莎莉与我 | 1987 - Siesta 情不自禁 | 1976 - Matter of Time, A 花落花开

  • 经典引文

  • The afternoon was too hot for anything but siesta.

    出自:E. Mannin
  • Mechanics were..drifting back to..work from their siestas.

    出自:F. King
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I had not heard that, but KNEW that I needed to spend today taking a Sunday siesta.(嗯…我还没听说过呢,但我的确知道今天要好好享受周日的午休。)
Can you get accustomed to a small town where all businesses take a siesta for two hours in the afternoon?(你能习惯于一个每个下午都休业两小时的小镇吗?)
They have a siesta during the hottest part of the day.(他们会在一天中最热的时候小憩一会儿。)
While living here I’ve come to realize that the siesta is essential to life, especially during the summer.(当我住在这里的时候,我开始意识到午睡是极其重要的,特别是在炎炎夏日。)
Even if you do not want or need a full siesta of an hour or so, a nap may benefit you.(事实上,即使是你不想或不需要一小时的午睡,睡上一小觉对你来说也是很有益处的。)
Given the success of the siesta contest, the association is planning to repeat the event in the future and hold editions outside of Spain, he added.(举办方还表示,由于本次赛事获得的成功,他们打算以后每年继续举办午睡大赛,并且在国外开展不同的版本。)
There is the silence of the siesta.(还有午睡时的静寂。)
It has already been established that those who siesta are less likely to die of heart disease.(有午睡习惯的人很少有死于心脏类疾病的——这个已成定论。)
Roberto Mendez was taking his afternoon siesta when the plane crashed into his bedroom.(飞机冲入卧室的时候,罗伯托·门德斯正在午睡。)
Then, at 2 p.m., the nap group was given the chance for a 90-minute siesta; the no-nap group was asked to stay awake.(然后,在下午2时,午睡组给予90分钟的午休机会,无午睡组被研究人员要求保持清醒。)
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