Sidereal: of the stars and their measurements.(星的,恒星的,以恒星为衡量标准的。)
Tropical year , and sidereal year are two different concepts .(在即回归年与恒星年是不同的两个概念。)
With its decidedly undecimal sidereal year of 365-and-a-quarter days, that is just not going to happen.(这种事不会发生,因为“恒星年(由365又1/4天所组成)是十一进制的”这一事实是确凿无疑的。)
Sidereal age, the distance between they and earth, it is the conclusion that astronomy wants scrupulous to reach.(恒星的年龄,它们与地球之间的距离,都是天文学要一板一眼得出的结论。)
Unfortunately, here on planet Earth, with its decidedly undecimal sidereal year of 365-and-a-quarter days, that is just not going to happen.(但是不巧的是,在地球这个行星星球上,这种事不会发生,因为“恒星年(由365又1/4天所组成)是非十进制的”这一事实是确凿无差的。)
Phase modulated resolvers can be used to model the relation between the sidereal time right ascension and the hour angle.(工作在调相状态下的旋转变压器可以用其相位模拟恒星时与赤经、时角的关系。)
Approximately, a year has 365 solar days but 366 sidereal days. Do you know why.(一年中大约有365个太阳日,但却有366个恒星日,你知道原因吗?)
The sidereal diurnal variation of cosmic ray ties up with the most basic and important problem in cosmic ray physics such as the origin, propagation and the acceleration mechanisms of cosmic ray.(宇宙线的恒星日变化紧密联系于宇宙线的起源、其传播途径的性质,以及宇宙线的加速机制等宇宙线物理中最基本的重大问题。)
But in the popular mind, the main difference between the two systems is that Jyotish USES the sidereal zodiac and Western astrology USES the tropical.(但在普遍的思想里,两者之间主要的不同就是周谛士是使用恒星黄道带,而西洋占星术是作用热带黄道带。)
A sidereal day is about 4 minutes shorter than a solar day.(一个恒星日比一个太阳日大约短4分钟。)
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