英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:02:45



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过去式: shoaled 过去分词: shoaled 现在分词: shoaling 第三人称单数: shoals

  • 英英释义

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1. a large group of fish

e.g. a school of small glittering fish swam by

Synonym: school

2. a stretch of shallow water

Synonym: shallow

3. a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide


1. become shallow

e.g. the lake shallowed over time

Synonym: shallow

2. make shallow

e.g. The silt shallowed the canal

Synonym: shallow

1. 鱼群
A shoal of fish is a large group of them swimming together.

e.g. Among them swam shoals of fish.
e.g. ...tuna shoals.

1. 浅滩:与碍航危险物(Navigational Hazards)的靠近程度:尽量选择远离岩(Rock)、沉船(Wreck)、暗礁(Reef)、浅滩(Shoal)等碍航危险物的锚地;四. 与邻近船舶的靠近程度:下锚时的船锚落点务必远离邻近船舶,

2. 暗沙:南海诸岛共230个岛、礁、沙、滩,按其离海面的位置可分为:滩(bank),位于水下较深的珊瑚,呈广阔的台状;暗沙(shoal),由滩向上生长,距水面较近;礁(reef),位于水面下高潮和低潮之间的珊瑚;砂洲(sand cay)和岛屿,露出水面之上,

3. 浅滩沙洲:shipyard 船厂 | shoal 浅滩 ; 沙洲 | shopping centre 购物中心

4. 鱼群:shoal 暗滩; 浅滩; 沙洲 | shoal 鱼群 | shore meadows 海边草地

  • 经典引文

  • Running aground is the result of..a mistake in assessing the depth of water over a shoal.

    出自:Yachting World
  • The real shoals ahead lie in policy and in SDP/Liberal relations.

    出自:London Review of Books
  • They would flee to Great Britain in shoals, from the fearful atrocities of their government.

    出自:R. Macaulay
Merely observing a shoal does not make it clear which individuals lead and which follow.(仅仅只观察一个鱼群并不能清楚地区分哪些鱼群是领导,那些是随从。)
He is now making arobot predator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders.(他现在正在制作一个机器猎食者,用来观察鱼群对凶猛入侵者的反应。)
You are a shoal, love just a small stream once, many times love too just many foams.(你是浅滩,一次爱情只是一条细流,许多次爱情也只是许多泡沫。)
A preliminary study of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with therobot.(对一个有十条鲜活的棘鱼鱼群的初步研究显示,他们确实和那条机器鱼混在了一起。)
Shoal is dual licensed under the CDDL version 1.0 and GPL v2 license with Classpath Exception.(Shoal是双重许可的:基于CDDL1.0和GPLv2协议(除了类路径)。)
I pushed on through the shoal water, but now the manatees were also moving toward me.(我穿过浅水区域,继续向它们走进,但同时,这2只海牛也向我游来。)
Agrillo's team found that mosquitofish can discriminate between numbers up to 16, but only if the ratio between the fish in each shoal was greater than 2:1.(阿格利罗的团队发现,食蚊鱼最多可以分辨大到16的两个数字的大小,但前提是每个鱼群中鱼的比例大于2:1。)
First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water that was more than a mile deep.(起先,这摊血黑魆魆的,如同这一英里多深的蓝色海水中的一块礁石。)
Let's come to the shoal waters.(我们去浅水区吧。)
Shoal does provide a notion of a group leader (which is dependent on the underlying group communication provider).(Shoal提出了一个组长(组长依赖于其下的组通信提供者)的概念。)
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