set back

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set back

英 [set bæk]

美 [sɛt bæk]

set back基本解释

推迟; 延缓; 使花费


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1. slow down the progress of

e.g. His late start set him back

2. hold back to a later time

e.g. let's postpone the exam

Synonym: postponeproroguehold overput overtableshelvedeferremitput off

3. cost a certain amount

e.g. My daughter's wedding set me back $20,000

Synonym: knock backput back

1. 使推迟;使延误;耽误
If something sets you back or sets back a project or scheme, it causes a delay.

e.g. It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up...
e.g. There will be a risk of public protest that could set back reforms.

2. 使花费;使破费
If something sets you back a certain amount of money, it costs you that much money.

e.g. In 1981 dinner for two in New York would set you back £5.
1981 年的时候,在纽约两个人吃一顿饭要花费 5 英镑。

3. see also: setback

1. 推迟,延缓,阻碍:set aside挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝 | set back推迟,延缓,阻碍 | set down卸下,放下,记下,记入

2. 阻碍:set at 袭击 | set back 阻碍 | set before 放在面前

3. 推迟:set aside 余出来,拿出来,省,存 | set back 推迟 | set down 写下,记下

4. 延缓:set aside 留出钱(时间)做某事 | set back 延缓 | set off 炫耀

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
A similar obstruction would set back the LHC schedule by weeks.(类似的障碍物会延迟LHC的计划数周。)
Correspondingly, after the user changes the information, it must be extracted from the GUI components and set back in the domain model.(相应地,在用户更改信息后,必须将此数据从GUI组件中提取出来并放回域模型中。)
It's also necessary to specify the return type. Here I ask for a node-set back.(还必须指定返回类型。)
If local people, who walk for miles every day to clear forests, were infected with a drug-resistant form of malaria, it could set back recent successes to control the disease.(如果每天步行数英里开展林木清整的当地人受到耐药性疟疾感染,这可能会影响最近控制疟疾的成果。)
The cause of free trade has also been set back.(自由贸易的促成也会受挫。)
This organization warns this progress could be set back if measures are not taken to reverse the rise in obesity among young people.(该机构提醒,如果不采取措施逆转年轻人中不断增加的肥胖情况,这种进展可能会倒退。)
The accident set back the plan by one week.(这件意外使得计划延后一星期。)
And even if an attack succeeded in penetrating all of Iran's underground sites-a big if-it could do no more than set back Iran's ambitions temporarily.(并且即使突袭能成功地渗入伊朗所有地下核设施—一个大胆的假设—也仅仅是暂时遏制住伊朗的核野心。)
The opening was set back again in March when a ceiling collapsed in the arrivals area.(三月份,新的候机楼投入使用的日期由于进港区域的天花板倒塌被再次延迟。)
They encouraged secret efforts to set back Iran’s research and production schedules.(他们鼓励暗中努力阻碍伊朗的研究和生产日程。)
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