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更新时间:2025-03-03 16:55:05
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rubbish bin的解释

1. Cafeteria manager Lynne Bryant said her staff had been cleaning tables when they noticed a strange humming noise coming from the rubbish bin.

2. " It was rather disconcerting when the rubbish bin started humming furiously, " she said.

3. An open wallet lay in the rubbish bin in front of him.

4. He lives in a rented room in a shabby house, his leather shoes rescued from a rubbish bin.

5. Court heard that he burned a tissue paper holder in one McDonald's bathroom and a rubbish bin in another on March 12.

6. As he is tired of eating the noodles, he often kept the card and threw the noodles in the rubbish bin.

1. This is my trash basket from the outside to be found in Grilled back turned, there are chicken bones, cooked dried chilli, cigarette butts, toilet paper and other debris in the general rubbish bin.

2. rubbish bin什么意思

2. When it was time to go home, they threw all their rubbish in the bin.

3. More: ash can, waste bin, rubbish bin, trash bin, refuse box, garbage bin, rubbish can, garbage can, ashbin, dustbin, garbage can


4. Her curiosity gave way to concern, concern to consternation, as she watched the man trekking from rubbish bin to mail box, and back again.

5. Firstly, we believe that if we recycle paper from the classroom it means that there will be less paper in the rubbish bin to go to the tip.

6. Litter should be in rubbish bin, don't litter.

7. Step 3. Scrape all the plates and bowls clean and push their contents either down the sink disposal unit or into the rubbish bin.

8. The yellow bin, the bin with the yellow lid is the recycling bin and the bin on the other side with the black lid is for general rubbish.

9. You can put the rubbish in the garbage bin.

10. You could put the rubbish in the garbage bin.

11. rubbish bin什么意思

11. And there are other unnatural signs. On August 15, a large polar bear ambled into Marresale and started rooting through the station's rubbish bin.

12. Looking out, I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container.

13. Picnics can attract insects and birds, so keep food covered as much as possible and if you can`t find a bin to dispose of your rubbish, take it home with you.

14. Bin Landen is a bin that laden with rubbish.

15. rubbish bin的反义词

15. They are putting their rubbish in the bin.

16. I should throw rubbish in the bin.

17. rubbish bin是什么意思

17. I must put the rubbish in the bin.

18. In other words, an even bigger rubbish bin?

19. rubbish bin的解释

19. Take care of your rubbish. Do not let it run away from the ash-bin.

20. Tourists are required to dispose of the rubbish and litter in an official bin or recycling receptable on the island.

  • 临近词

Mr Harvey also advises freezing prawn shells first before disposing of them to avoid a smelly rubbish bin.(哈维还建议将虾壳冷冻后再丢掉,这样垃圾桶就不会变臭。)
They might have been dumped into a rubbish bin and some of them fell into the nearby river, Zhong was quoted as saying.(他们可能被丢进了垃圾桶,有些则落入了附近的河中。”钟海涛说。)
Empty rubbish bin, wash out with soapy water and then place plastic bags in rubbish bins.(水洗净垃圾桶,然后把垃圾袋罩在垃圾桶内。)
Zhang Hai put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.(张海把垃圾倒进了垃圾箱。)
Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.(别把热烫的东西放垃圾箱里。)
Don't put your hand in the rubbish bin. It's dirty.(不要把你的手放在垃圾箱里,它很脏。)
In other words, an even bigger rubbish bin?(换言之,这难道会是一个更大的垃圾箱?)
Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.(请把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。)
No spitting. Always wrap nasal and mouth discharges with tissue paper, and dispose of the tissue paper properly in rubbish bin.(不要随地吐痰,应将口鼻分泌物用纸巾包好,弃置于有盖垃圾箱内;)
Mother bought me clothes, I often regarded as old-fashioned, dig fling it flew into the rubbish bin.(母亲帮我买的衣服,往往被我视为老土,顺手一扔便飞进了垃圾桶。)
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