英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:30:00



英 [ˈrɒstə(r)]

美 [ˈrɑ:stə(r)]


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  • 【军】花名册
  • 值勤名单
  • 勤务簿
  • 名册
  • 列入名册的人
  • 登记簿
  • 候选名单
  • 官兵勤务名册
  • 服勤名簿
  • 逐项登记表
  • 将(姓名)列入值勤名单


1. a list of names

e.g. his name was struck off the rolls

Synonym: roll

1. 值勤表;勤务簿
A roster is a list which gives details of the order in which different people have to do a particular job.

e.g. The next day he put himself first on the new roster for domestic chores...
e.g. He was in his office, preparing his duty roster for the coming month.

2. 名单;花名册;登记表;运动员名册(尤用于美国英语中)
A roster is a list, especially of the people who work for a particular organization or are available to do a particular job. It can also be a list of the sports players who are available for a particular team, especially in American English.

e.g. The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000...
e.g. From the studio's roster of leading men, Robert Walker was an obvious choice to play the part.

1. 花名册:你可以用花名册(roster)类查找花名册的所有条目,它们所属的组以及每个条目当前呈现的状态. smack提供以下两种方法阅读收到的信息包:packetlistener和packetcollector. 它们都使用packetfilter的实例来决定应该处理哪个信息包.


2. 球员名单:你要先保存你的球员名单,也就是在存储里,存储球员名单(roster) 然后提取这个名单,在这个名单下开始王朝模式

3. 名单管理:GENERAL MANAGER:球队管理模式 | +ROSTER:名单管理 | ++TEAM ROSTER:球队名单

  • 经典引文

  • The roster for washing up..caused acrimony.

    出自:C. Thubron
  • An impressive roster of speakers.

    出自:S. Quinn
A roster of recent misdemeanours illustrates the point.(近期一系列的违法案件充分说明这一点。)
Only the Spurs can approach the depth of the Mavericks' roster.(只有马刺能接近小牛阵容的深度。)
For example, in this World Cup, out of 23 footballers on either Cameroonian or Ivorian roster, one plays at home.(例如,在此次世界杯上,喀麦隆或者科特迪瓦的23名球员中只有一人在国内踢球。)
To advise on the strategy, the trade group turned to a bipartisan roster of consultants.(该交易商团体根据一份包含两党成员的花名册四处问“策”。)
Spend a day learning QQ and mastering its roster of functions not seen in the West.(花一天时间学下QQ,掌握那里面在西方见不到的各种功能。)
The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000.(业余垒球协会的裁判员名单上的人数减少到了5.7万人。)
Warner Music has slashed staff Numbers, merged individual record labels and cut its roster of artists.(华纳音乐已大量裁减员工数量、并购唱片公司以及减少签约艺人。)
UNGM as their supplier roster.(作为他们的供应商名册。)
If you're Pat Riley and his staff, though, I think you have to take a serious look at the roster.(如果你是帕特·莱利和他的部下,你应该认真看看球员花名册。)
The roster of collectors prepared to sell was also impressive.(出售藏品的收藏家名录也令人印象深刻。)
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