形容词: repressible 名词: repressibility 过去式: repressed 过去分词: repressed 现在分词: repressing 第三人称单数: represses
形容词: repressible 名词: repressibility 过去式: repressed 过去分词: repressed 现在分词: repressing 第三人称单数: represses
1. block the action of
2. put out of one's consciousness
Synonym: suppress
3. conceal or hide
e.g. smother a yawn
muffle one's anger
strangle a yawn
Synonym: smotherstiflestranglemuffle
4. put down by force or intimidation
e.g. The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
Synonym: quashkeep downsubduesubjugatereduce
1. 压制,压抑,克制(情感)
If you repress a feeling, you make a deliberate effort not to show or have this feeling.
e.g. People who repress their emotions risk having nightmares...
e.g. It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.
2. 忍住;控制住
If you repress a smile, sigh, or moan, you try hard not to smile, sigh, or moan.
e.g. He repressed a smile...
e.g. I couldn't repress a sigh of admiration.
3. 压制,限制(自由)
If a section of society is repressed, their freedom is restricted by the people who have authority over them.
e.g. Turkish Kurds have been repressed for decades by the Ankara government.
e.g. ...a UN resolution banning him from repressing his people.
1. 压抑:对于当时被剥夺了语言的台湾人而言,犹如患了失语症,缺乏工具在公众论述中去陈述与再现自己,在情感上,他们必须学会自我再压抑(repress). 民进党执政下,某种程度其实也複製了老国民党一样的暴力.
2. repress的意思
2. 抑:如果沿着希腊的道路,正如帕托卡的研究表明,由德希达所总结的,欧洲历史的责任心经过了两次转换,即经过柏拉图对原始魔灵(daimon)与迷抑神秘的整合(incorporate)与基督教对柏拉图神秘的压抑(repress)而形成的.
3. 抑制,镇压:represent 表示,代表 | repress 抑制,镇压 | reprieve 缓刑
No society can..repress an ugly past.
出自:M. L. King