remote control

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remote control

更新时间:2024-04-30 10:10:30

英 [rɪ'məʊt kən'trəʊl]

美 [rɪˈmot kənˈtrol]

remote control基本解释

名词遥控,远程控制; 遥控装置


形容词: remote-control

  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance

e.g. he lost the remote for his TV

Synonym: remote

1. 遥控(系统或装置)
Remote control is a system of controlling a machine or a vehicle from a distance by using radio or electronic signals.

e.g. The bomb was detonated by remote control.

2. 遥控器
The remote control for a television or video recorder is the device that you use to control the machine from a distance, by pressing the buttons on it.

remote control是什么意思

1. 远程控制:远程控制(Remote Control)是指在网络上由一台电脑(主控端Remote/客户端)远距离去控制另一台电脑(被控端Host/服务器端)的技术. 大多数人平常接触最多的就是QQ的远程协助了,然后就是办公或黑客们必备的工具.

2. 遥控:您现在的位置: 首页 > 通信 > 正文 RF4CE射频技术终结红外遥控器 技术分类: 通信 | 2009-08-26 飞思卡尔 遥控(Remote Control)装置一般用于用户对家电设备的短距无线操控当中,目前以红外(IR)信号的方式最为常见.

3. remote control的意思

3. 遥控器:此功能增加了夜里的安全性.8.手动开启功能 (Manual Unlocking Switch mode)此功能解决了多次出入时每次使用密码的不便,以常开状态下控制锁体自动上锁多次出入时的能调节成常开状态. .对于经常出入或暂时离开,想让锁要开启状态时,方便使用此功能. 9遥控器:(Remote Control)用户认选功能.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
It is another way of policing by remote control.(另一种解决办法就是远离控制区。)
A standard Apple remote control?(标准苹果远程控制?)
The next generation TV remote control.(新一代电视原远程控制。)
A remote control for your life.(远程遥控,打造你的生活。)
I can't find the remote control.(我找不到遥控器。)
Realization of auto cut-screen in remote control is introduced based on C/S model.(主要介绍了C/S模式下远程控制中自动截屏功能的实现方法。)
Richard picked up the remote control and turned on the television.(理查德拿起遥控器,打开了电视机。)
The promoter promptly made a quotation for the remote control motors.(发起人立刻制了一份遥控马达的报价单。)
Scenario: Remote control for data centers.(场景:数据中心的远程控制。)
Remote control by mouse, keyboard, voice, and gesture.(通过鼠标、键盘、语音以及手势的远程控制。)
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