relative to

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relative to

更新时间:2024-12-17 00:32:22

英 [ˈrelətiv tu:]

美 [ˈrɛlətɪv tu]

relative to基本解释

关于; 相对于


  • 网络解释

1. 与...有关:representative of代表...的 | relative to与...有关 | rich in富于

2. 相对于:Relative Repeat相对范围 | Relative To相对于 | Relax放松;松驰;松驰值

3. relative to

3. 相对于;和...相应,和...有关:55、qualified in 胜任,合适 | 56、relative to 相对于;和...相应,和...有关 | 57、relevant to 与...有关

4. 有关;相对于;和...相应:refer to... as 把...叫做... | relative to 有关;相对于;和...相应 | round about 周围;大约

  • 临近词
If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.(如果产品供不应求,价格就会被哄抬,一些消费者就会被淘汰出市场。)
Earth has been a cradle for life because of its position relative to the Sun.(由于地球与太阳的相对位置,地球一直是生命的摇篮。)
He points out that it is possible to identify specific factors as the primary causes of a particular historical event only relative to an initial set of background conditions.(他指出,只有相对于初始的背景条件,才有可能将特定因素确定为特定历史事件的主要原因。)
The hypothesis is not undermined by observations that sea levels are falling relative to the Scandinavian coast by four millimeters a year.(尽管海平面被观测到相对斯堪的纳维亚海岸每年下降4毫米,这一假设并没有受到破坏。)
Because of their narrow bandwidth, CF signals portray only the target's presence and, in the case of some bat species, its motion relative to the bat's.(因为它们的频宽很窄,CF信号只能描绘目标的存在,而对于一些种类的蝙蝠来说,CF信号还能描述目标相对于蝙蝠的运动。)
The indicators of the Antikythera Mechanism, would then move to show the motion of the Sun and Moon relative to the planets and stars.(这些安提基西拉机械装置的指示器就会移动,显示相对于行星和恒星的日月运动。)
Urine microproteins increasing in ischemic apoplexy are relative to stages of hypertension, serum lipid level and types of lipid dysbolism.(缺血性中风后尿微量蛋白的增加与高血压的阶段,血清脂质水平和脂质代谢障碍的类型有关。)
I 'd love to see examples of cities that overperform on happiness relative to their economic factors.(我很想看到一些城市在幸福指数方面表现得比它们的经济因素更好的例子。)
Longan is a tropical tree found in China, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia. The fruit is close relative to litchi.(龙眼是长在中国、印度尼西亚和东南亚的一种热带果树。果实与荔枝极其相近。)
In 1983 Argonia's currency, the argon underwent a reduction in value relative to the world's strongest currencies.(1983年,相对于世界上最强的货币,阿贡尼亚的货币argon贬值了。)
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